Radiator fans

Asked by DaleFarrand May 30, 2014 at 09:26 AM about the 2000 Buick Century Custom Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My radiator fans not working.  Replaced all 3 relays, checked fuses.  Hooked directly to the battery, both fans work.  What next?

7 Answers


Check temperture sending unit.it tells the relays when to cut on.

15 people found this helpful.

This self diagnosis question has come up before, I found 2 you tube videos that run you through this with little instruction videos. If I could find them. using google then so can you. I probably searched something like: auto cooling fan repair (or something like that)

14 people found this helpful.

P.S.- I tried to put all the steps into words before; but, my explanation got too wordy ; it is easy to stand beside you and point at what I want you to do but harder in just words with no pictures, The videos were both quite complete.

7 people found this helpful.

Why my Buick gets hot could it be the fuses or they don't work

3 people found this helpful.

My car is a 1999 Buick century when stop at the light my temperature gauge start to go up and fan is not come on then I check fan but fan not running at all fuse and relay OK what can be the problem

36 people found this helpful.

What could be the problem when you replaces a new water pump and it's still overheating.

5 people found this helpful.

If you recently replace the water pump in your vehicle still overheating you could have a problem with thermostat or you get air in the cooling system in which is hitting an air pocket and cause the vehicle to not build a proper pressure in the cooling system so you would need to bleed out any air bubbles within the system to prevent overheating

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