Changed Maf senor, crankshaft, fuses, spark plugs. fuel filter and ignition modulator and the car starts but only runs about five mins. before stalling. No engine light comes on. No bad codes show up. Can't find any bad hoses. My mechanic teacher has looked and we can't figure it out. I am a student and can't afford to fix much more and nothing I have spent money on has worked so far. When I first put the maf in the car worked great for about a week but the transmission was still skipping
Changed Maf sensor, crankshaft, fuses spark plug fuel filter and ignition modulator. Checked hoses. No engine light comes on no bad codes show up. After replacing maf the car worked great for a week but still skipped in the transmission.. NOw it starts and runs five min. before stalling. Sounds great for the five mins. My mechanic teacher has looked over and we are stumped.