Wont Start?
3 Answers
have u check the fuel pump make sure its running and also tap on the tank sometimes the bendix hangs up in the pump if it start then u need a new fuel pump I hope this helps
VanilaThundaa answered 10 years ago
if the fuel pump is fine, check the fuse box under the hood. could be a $1 fuse, better than putting in $1000. hope it helps
Quick check, dump a little gas in the throttle body and try starting it. If it starts and shuts off its not getting fuel. If it still won't start check for spark. Also see if you can hear the pump prime when you turn the key to on, you should be able to hear it if you can't then your pumps not working. There's a fuel pump relay under the hood, but more likely it's your pump. Alternatively if your pump is priming then try replacing the fuel filter. Hope that helps, just went through this with my 97.