Fuel injectors are are not spraying. Do have fuel to throttle body.replaced pump and relay. What controls power to injectors?
4 Answers
Fuel injectors are electric. When the injector is energized, an electromagnet moves a plunger that opens the valve, allowing the pressurized fuel to squirt out through a tiny nozzle. The nozzle is designed to atomize the fuel or to make as fine a mist as possible so that it can burn easily. I find it hard to believe that all the injectors are bad or not working. How do you know they are not spraying fuel? Have you checked them?
have to check power feed and ground signal to the injectors
Yes, I have air filter etc, off and when cranking engine see no spray. We very much appreciate suggestions and help. If we add a little fuel directly, it starts right up.
I replaced all fuses in main box.cleaned all electrical connections around engine compartment with a spray on electronic connection cleaner. Don not know exactly which one worked, but it started right and runs good. Thanks for all of the suggestions.