fuel pump replacement


Asked by justinjames Jun 05, 2013 at 12:02 PM about the 1990 Chevrolet Lumina Euro Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have to change my fuel pump. Any instructions,, tips, diagrams, & or helpful hints
would really be appreciated.

1 Answer


I'm glad you asked this question. My '90 Lumina Euro Coupe has a bad fuel output line. It's a braided hose that goes to the top of the tank. The end that attaches to the Fuel Filter rotted apart while changing the filter. That's the deal with keeping these old cars alive..... get the rot before the rot gets you..... that's a good video and although it's not the exact vehicle, it does well to show what the job entails..... a Haynes manual might be helpful as well... I would recommend replacing your fuel lines, rubber hoses, and whatever else that looks about rotten while you're doing the pump.... and then maybe do some rust preventative measures, like with rust converter, and/or undercoat...... i hope the job goes well for you.....

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