i have a jaguar 2003 x type check engine light, anti break light, alarm light basically all lights on car still runs fine like before but can't see speedometer can someone help? went to two mechanics
4 Answers
I'm afraid you will need to take this one to the dealer to fix. The first guy is right but had a bad way to say it. S-Type's are not rated very good and you would be wise to get rid of it when it is running right. If you try to get rid of it with "Check Engine" on, everyone will be afraid and not want it, including me.
Let me know if you figure this out, I've had it happening to me on and off over the course of 3 years. Took it to the dealer and they said it was a bad battery...replaced it, still happened, they gave me a new battery again, didn't drive the car more then 1k miles over the course of 2 years, started driving recently and same issue (all lights on the dash, all instruments drop to nothing, car runs fine) at this point I have no idea, 60k miles on the car, but nothing but lights on the dash :-D
It is a shame. Jaguar has been awarded "Best Luxury Car Service" or some such name. The shame is; with an award like that, why the hell can't they fix it. They can call the factory direct. Speaking of which, have you tried to write, email, etc. the factory? They may be more helpful. Be sure to let them know which dealers you went to so they can know that there is something wrong.
wheellifter answered 7 years ago
My girlfriend is having this very same problem, changed battery and problem went away for a couple of months. Is it possible that the voltage regulator in the alternator could be causing the problem? When AAA replaced battery and did tests, said something about system was overcharging. Dash lights come on, speedometer and tachometer shut off, door locks operate but car runs fine and no loss of headlights or parking lights. Would like to get this fixed without having to take it to the dealer if at all possible.