I ave jeep paroit 08 need help
Last Monday I was driving down the road
and all the sudden my lights turned on like
all the lights on the interior except for the
overheating light in my car shut off so I had
to pull off to the side of the road we tried to
fix it and to get it go on it would start but it
wouldn't stay going so since that day until
today which it's been one week and I've had
a new ignition switch put in when you put it
to a computer it says it doesn't recognize the
key I wouldn't put the key in and turn it all the
way over to start it will stay going then when
you put it to run it dies I've had mechanics
come over I've had locksmith come over
help what is wrong with my car I live in the
boonies and I really need my car I need to go
back to work help please someone put me in
the right direction sincerely Patricia I forgot
to mention I just bought the car a month-
and-a-half ago so pretty disappointed great
now I just bought it and I've been putting
money into it will change everything so
please somebody help me I haven't had it
long enough for it to be doing this