How do I disconnect car alarm on 2007 Ford Escape?
Asked by Idd Jul 11, 2015 at 10:47 AM about the 2007 Ford Escape XLT FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Car alarm randomly goes off day and night; not receiving right rear door ajar notice like
others I've read about. I can't afford to take to dealer and shell out hundreds of dollars for
5 Answers
should be a fuse remove it will not work until it is replaced with that fuse
replace the battery in your keyless remote. unhook your battery terminals before you replace the battery in your remote. touch the wires together for about 30 seconds to clear out any codes. replace your wires onto the battery. set your alarm with the keyless remote or alarm remote and then try to set the alarm off by opening the door or tampering with the vehicle. Once you get the alarm to sound you should be able to cut it off with the remote. this is the only fix I know of
How on earth would touching the disconnected battery wires to each other do anything at all? Touching them while either is connected will result in fourth of July style sparks and if there is hydrogen gas coming out of the battery itself much more.
Greg, You Dont Touch Them Together While Connected, You Disconnect Them Then Touch Them Together To Drain The Memory Charge From The Vehicle Computer...
Guru9W971K answered 4 years ago
First I like to get me a big bowl of soup then go out to the car shake my fist at the son of a bitch and set it on fire because I’m mad but then I cry because I don’t have a vehicle and my wife left me says I do stupid stuff but I don’t mean to I was just brought up on the farm and I loved every minute of it except when the hog tried to lay me but I got used to it so no worries there I hope this helped