95 integra tail light problem


Asked by Joshua Aug 26, 2008 at 08:08 AM about the 1995 Acura Integra LS Coupe FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

the right tailight on my integra dosnt work when i brake
i know you're thinking 'just replace the bulb'
but the light workssuch as when i trun the lights on at night
or when im setting my alarm after i leave my car
but when i press the brake pedal down it wont light up

11 Answers


check the switch on the brake pedal with a voltmeter

2 people found this helpful.

check the fuse box first, but it could be that the bulbs are different for your tail light and break light, check the manual.


change the bulb, those bulb have two wires in them. only one of them burn out, that is the reason when you turn on your light, the taillight still work.

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i have a 97 integra, I had the same issue with my right fog light, i replaced the entire lighthouse for about 100 bucks, tail-lights should be like 150, just get a pair of new ones.


yeah i checked the bulb and one of the fillaments was broken while ive got everybodies attention(yeah right...) does anybody know how to change the bulbs on the front parking/turn signal light housings i pulled the light fixture out, but cant figure out how to get to the bulb so i can change it

1 people found this helpful.

Grab the light connector and turn it counter clockwise. When you replace the bulb, make sure you don't touch the new one with your bare hands.

2 people found this helpful.

my 1995 acura ls tail light is complete out i change the light bulb also, the brake lights work, head lights work and everything just my tail lights? help anyone

7 people found this helpful.

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