My Toyota Sienna LE 2008 has 3 lights come ON the dashboard : Check Engine, VSC, TRAC ON


Asked by sammybenjamin Dec 14, 2013 at 09:01 AM about the 2008 Toyota Sienna LE 8 Passenger

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My Toyota Sienna LE 2008 has demonstrated this problem 4 times now and after being fixed by the authorized service center thrice. It is back in the shop for the 4th time for the exact same reason.

The 3 lights come on the dashboard : Check Engine, VSC, TRAC ON

There is no problem with driving the car and all 3 times the part changed was some evaporative canister associated with the gas tank.

I think Toyota has no clue how to fix this for good. If the battery is disconnected and reconnected, the lights stay off for about a week 2 weeks and come back on. So my best guess is that there is a malfunction in the safety electronics which is causing this malfunction to reoccur over and over, sighting as if there is a real problem.

A great way to get me to the service center every few months..
- Samuel Benjamin
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55 Answers


My 2005 Sienna had the same lights on not to long ago. The problem was a bad wheel sensor. The sensor could be dirty if you want to pull it off and inspect it. Hope this helps.

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This is not an answer but an inquiry about the same problem. I was wondering if sammybenjamin's problem was fixed because I have the same problem right now and the dealer first did carbon cleaning but that did not work and now is suggesting to change the vehicle's throttle which would set me back $1000. My car is like wise a 2008 sienna le.

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TOYOTA SIENNA 2008 CARBON FILTER ISSUE: The Sienna 2008 Sienna has a inherent problem which the authorized dealers will not accept. In my case the Check Engine Light + Trac Off + VSC lights come on when the car is parked on a incline right after filling a full tank of gas. There is a fan that sucks in the vapors and allows the carbon filter to to reduce emission in to the air. However if the car is at an incline there is fuel where the filter fan sucks the vapors which instead pulls in the liquid into he carbon filter, thus destroying the ability of this system to work correctly. This triggers the sensors that all hell has broken loose and the 3 lights turn on. Replacing the carbon filter and emptying the suction lines usually fixes this problem. Toyota has fixed this problem 5 times and each time they tried to blame me for the problem when in fact it is a fault of their poor design. Finally they agreed with me that there is a problem and I decided to fill only 15 gallons in the tank instead of the full 18 gallons to allow always a small pocket of air at the top so no liquid gets sucked in by the emission filter fan. Hope you can resolve your problem soon. Truly & Regards, Sammy.

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sammybenjamin if you are still around can you answer if it goes away after a while if I don't take it in because I just got one 2 days ago and it was parked at an incline also and this morning all 3 lights came on

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To temporarily get rid of the warning lights you can reset the battery by removing the red lead and then reconnect it. Then see if it will come back again after a few hours of driving. If it does, then the carbon filter is probably flooded with gasoline and you will have to get it replaced. There is absolutely no problem with the vehicle as this is a faulty Toyota design in the 2008 Sienna that is giving a false negative reading on the dashboard. It never happened on my 2005 and 2006 Sienna.

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2005 sienna le. battery broke loose and nicked pos cabling. small fire ensued, but was quickly put out. had it checked by mechanic who taped the pos cable/wires (housing burned through and was source of spark) and put new battery harness thing on (other broke at when the bolt snapped). was fine till next night - driving and the VSC Trac check engine oil thing lights came on. is it still the battery having a poor connection? or is there more damage not seen by the mechanic or do i need to have the pos cable/wires replaced? Please answer quickly with answers which will not cost me my whole paycheck (all answers are welcome). I've been lucky- I have only spent $35-but i get the feeling they missed something!! I went to take a photo of the damage and noticed something leaked from underneath. Now what?

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I had a this morning all three light on engine light, vsc & track on. last night very heavily rain was. I don't know what to done. This is second time happen. First time happen two years before and mechanic told me mileage service

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has any one ever had the Eprom cleared ? This same problem happened with my 2010 Sienna in late 2013 it's now 2016 and has yet to come back on

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I have the same problem--2008 Sienna, 115-k miles. The issue seems to be (according to the mechanic) a bad ignition coil (based on computer code) Could have stopped the vehicle cold in transit. Repair was $350.

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In My 2010 Sienna All of a sudden TRAC SVC and Engine light came on. I was drive My Sienna and all above three lights came on at the same time and vehicle was running perfectly fine. Then i start reading different solutions on Car Gurus and find out the best one was to disconnect the battery and give few minutes and connect again and in my Sienna all three lights disappear. Its just like you reset the system. Also it could be the fuel tank I filled up a day before all the way to the top and that also might be the reason because someone mention that problem before. So Thanks for the advise.

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I have a similar issue with my 2006 Toyota Sienna. .. it first came up when in a high windstorm my sunroof leaked. The instrumentation got wet... ss did tbe air bag compartment. The Carpet was replaced after the cable were dried. However, in the last 10 months, I paid for pocket to replace two oxygen sensors. The problem persists. Finally, I asked the my Insurance to reopen the claim, which they did after reviewing the "repair" history. However, in spite of replacing the computer all 3 indicators ENHINE CHECK, VSC TRACK OFF still remain ON. Toyota says my Van is SAFE! !! No so. My problem Iis how do l know wgen these indicators are TRUE or FALSE POSITIVE? SO THE VAN IS BACK IN THE SHOP ABOUT A DOZEN+ TIMES. :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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I have a similar issue with my 2006 Toyota Sienna. .. it first came up when in a high windstorm my sunroof leaked. The instrumentation got wet... ss did the air bag compartment. The Carpet was replaced after the cables were dried. However, in the last 10 months, I paid from pocket to replace two oxygen sensors. The problem spersiststill . Finally, I asked the my Insurance to reopen the claim, which they did after reviewing the "repair" history. However, in spite of replacing the computer all 3 indicators ENGINE CHECK, VSC TRACK OFF still remain ON. Toyota says my Van is SAFE! !! No so. My problem Iis how do l know wgen these indicators are TRUE or FALSE POSITIVE? SO THE VAN IS BACK IN THE SHOP ABOUT A DOZEN+ TIMES. :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Two back to back snapshots beforw and after the computer was replaced. NOTHING HAS CHANGED

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I have a similar issue with my 2006 Toyota Sienna. .. it first came up when in a high windstorm my sunroof leaked. The instrumentation got wet... ss did the air bag compartment. The Carpet was replaced after the cables were dried. However, in the last 10 months, I paid from pocket to replace two oxygen sensors. The problem spersiststill . Finally, I asked the my Insurance to reopen the claim, which they did after reviewing the "repair" history. However, in spite of replacing the computer all 3 indicators ENGINE CHECK, VSC TRACK OFF still remain ON. Toyota says my Van is SAFE! !! No so. My problem Iis how do l know wgen these indicators are TRUE or FALSE POSITIVE? SO THE VAN IS BACK IN THE SHOP ABOUT A DOZEN+ TIMES. :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Yesterday I went to fill up and had an issue at the gas station and left the cap off and gas door open on my 2008 Sienna. I drove 1/8 mile to another gas station and filled up. I woke up today and after 10 miles the VSC and Trac lights came on.... very strange. Of course I was on the way to the dealership for an oil change and tire rotation. They suggested a bunch of things and one tech came very and said to try taking the gas cap on and off a few times..... that usually fixes it. Air issue. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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Acabo de comprar una toyota sienna 2006 la primera vez que iba a cargar gasolina encendieron las 3 luces check eng, vsc, y track off no se que hacer

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I have a 2008 Toyota Sienna and the Check Engine, VSC, TRAC OFF lights have been on for 2 weeks. We followed all UTube video fix suggestions and replaced the gas cap. The lights are still on. The van drives fine, unless we are going 70 mph then the steering wheel vibrates. We are driving 500 miles next weekend and I am trying to decide if I should take it in to dealership (and pay $99 diagnostic fee and then God only knows what else) or just ignore the lights and drive it! Any suggestions/ thoughts??!! Thank you!

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I have 2008 Sienna LE. All 3 lights (ck engine, VSC, trac off) have been coming on for months. Went to private dealer who I'd problem as bad coil in back. Had him replace all 3 in back, bec costly to get to them. Lights then came on again and he replaced all 3 in front even tho he said they were testing as fine. He said the computer was giving conflicting signals regarding fuel mixture, too rich and too lean at same time. (If I understood him right.) Car runs fine for me, but wife has reported sometimes (intermittently) runs very rough for her, which mechanic thinks is related (says thinks represents misfiring cylinder(s)). I've read all the above posts, but don't see any that seem definitive. Any and all help appreciated. Kevin

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sammybenjamin if you are still around can you advise if your 3 light problem ever re-occurred? I've put $1500 into new coils, which I am now doubting I ever needed in the first place, since the three lights are on and stay on. If you experience was that was the fix, I plan to follow in your footsteps. Thanks for your posts.

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Just after buying my 05 sienna used mind you. These lights start coming on but runs fine code says 02 sensor or bad cat. Read somewhere online to replace gas cap so I did and bam no problems for 4 years. Two months ago its back so ill but a new cap $26 and see what it does. Oh ya when the lights come on the cars exhaust stinks more than normal and when I clear the codes they go away. And yes it is the vcs and check engine lights.

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We have all 3 lights on as well on our 06 Sienna AWD XLE. The best thing to do is get your codes read. Auto zone uses they cheapest scanner they have available, not saying it is a bad scanner just saying it is only reading engine codes and nothing else. Anyways, I used a friends scanner (also only reads engine codes) and I got P0037. This started after the wife filled up the tank and parked on our declining block. It went of after filling up again and not parking in our area. Back on again and still on. Going to look at gas cap as well. To cold to be laying on the ground in Oct and it being 52 degrees out.

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I replaced the gas cap w/ an OEM one, and disconnected the battery a couple times to reset. No help. All 3 lights still on. Just sharing.

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My tire pressure light has been on for a couple days, but they don't look low, and we just got one tire fixed, because it was low. I may need to clear the settings. But, I just got fuel and my check engine, VSC lights were on. So I took my fuel cap off, twice..after restarting it twice. The lights are off now, but not the tire pressure light. My guess is that it's either the fuel cap isn't on properly, the fuel quality, or the fuel cap is getting defective. Hope this helps.

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My issue was the 02 sensor. I originally posted under Guru5CKC9. I didn't reset my light as I wanted to see if it would clear itself and it did the next day. 4leafclover4me - Tire pressure is measured by the ABS system on how fast the tire rotates. My Sienna doesn't like it when the tire pressure gets below 32 or above 36. We keep it at 34 the light stays off.


My seinna 2008 has the same issue check engine, VSC and Trac lights on and whenever i move my steering either right or left the engine turns off but when it is straight it runs fine i just did complete tuneup and spent almost 1000 but still the issue same please help

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The 3 lights come on the dashboard : Check Engine, VSC, TRAC ON I was able to resolve this on my 2005 Sienna by: 1. Turn the key to 2nd Accessory position (all the way forward without starting.) 2. Turn key back and take the key OUT. 3. Do this 10x. Forward, back, key out. This seems to reset the system. Worked for me. Hope this helps. -Jeanne (Computer programmer with tricks up my sleeve)

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I have the same alarm ( check engine, vsc & trac off lights are on) my 2008 Toyota Sienna.That resets by disconnecting the battery. I tried replacing gas cap after so many internet searches, but just wasted money. My advice is to buy a code reader to know the exact issue and you can reset the fault so easy For me it was code P0354 which is ignition coil #4 issue. Action done: -I swapped the ignition coil #4 with ignition coil #6. These are front ignition coils that’s very easy to swap. -after swapping the trouble code becomes P0356 which is ignition coil # 6 issue. - after this I concluded that it was the ignition coil that I just transferred to #6 has a problem that faulted once in a while. - Planning to replace this with a new one. Since the fault doesn’t remain on all the time and engine is running without issue, I tried further investigation with the bad coil. Noticed dirty rusted traces compared with other which is clean. Ignition coiI is a high voltage output and contamination can leak out these voltage. I cleaned this and was running the full day without alarm.

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Thanks for your post EE. As I said above, My mechanic said codes were giving conflicting reports, fuel mixture too lean and too rich at the same time. He suggests maybe the fuel pump, but he is just guessing. I have already replaced all 6 coils and the gas cap and nothing works. I am going to trade it in.

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I have a 2006 Toyota Sienna, XLE. Just hit 200K miles yesterday. I been doing research on how and why these 3 lights turn on because it came on few months ago on mine, and the steps below cleared it. - Temporary fix: Take both battery wires out for few mins, which will reset the system and those lights should go off. If the problem is really there, then it should come back up after some time. - I went to AutoZone and they checked the messages and it shows something with lean on Gas which mean it could be a problem that the van is not getting enough gas to the engine, I recently changed the air filter right before it happened and felt that I didn't connect the pipes firmly. However, it has nothing to do with fuel I believe but that was the only changes happened. Remember, AutoZone will check the code for you for free but they won't clear those messages for you. The only way to clear those false messages is by taking the wire out from the battery. I believe that air intake and fuel has to do with lean on gas. - I took it to my mechanic, he suggested to replace my fuel pump because that's the possibility for the lean Gas message on the filter. He started the vehicle couple times and told me that he suspect the fuel pump is Sienna usually starts in 1st few cranks and he felt that mine was taking little longer. (I never failed to start the van in 1st crank). Online pricing for those are around $600-$800 or may be more with does not include the labor. I pump is located on top of the tank so the fuel tank has to be removed in order to replace it. Which mean more money in Labor. - I found few links on YouTube and other website where if could be possible that the gas cap wasn't closed property. Open it up again and close it tightly, make sure you at least hear 4-6 clicks. Addition, try wiping you cap with WD-40 Spray (let it dry) and then redo the process. I am going to try this method because I filled up gas that same day before those lights came on. - On your fuse box which is located on ride side under the hood, check for all the fuse. I doubt that this could be the reason but it's an easy fix which does not cost anything.

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Hi Samir, l would suggest you invest on OBD code reader to know what the exact error code. I got the BlueDriver obd2 code reader from for $99.00. It’s blue tooth connection to your smart phone app. You’ll know the exact error code and you can reset easily even when driving. Assess how much you are willing to spend on your van to fix it, if the alarm doesn’t stay on permanently it’s a non critical alarm you can just keep resetting it as long as you don’t feel any changes with the engine performance when driving.

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My solution to the 2008 Sienna XLE AWD Check Engine Light, VSC and Track Off problem @ 190,000 miles: After reading the codes from a Mom & Pop's local garage. using an OBD, the on board device, they traced the problem to the shorting out of the easier to get to, front ignition coil for the #4 spark plug, Total cost, parts & labor, $262.00. It's been several months and absolutely NO problems. Solution similar to what the electricalengineer's post encountered. No need to spend more money!

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My check engine, VSC, and Trac Off lights just came on this morning. My 2006 Sienna has over 186,000 miles, but then the windchill was -51 F this morning, so I wonder if it is related in some way. Btw, this 13 year old van with 186,000 plus miles, is the only one of our vehicles that will start, even though the oil change shop advised me a month ago that I need a new battery. Sam's club told me last year that I needed to replace the same battery. It was also the only vehicle that would start last year when the temperature was way below zero (F). I intend to reset the warning lights and see if they come back on when it warms up a bit to a balmy 20 or 30 degrees.

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This worked for me: Turn key to full accessory (2 clicks forward), turn back & remove key. Repeat 10x. 3 lights never came back and car passed inspection. 2005 Toyota Sienna -JKav

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2008 Sienna 114k had same issue. Code was #4 ignition coil. This is a front one, so it’s easy to get to. $85 for the part and had a friend who is a mechanic put the new one in for a 12 pack. Took 10min. No issues so far, lights are out.

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2008 Sienna 118k all 3 lights just came on. I followed the steps I read in a post above (picture below) and at least for now the lights are cleared. Thanks for the tip!

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Tried the key key out thing and the fuel cap. One of them worked on my 2008 Sienna Limited with 121,000 miles. The key thing worked briefly and then the lights came back on. Re- seated the fuel cap and they went off and hopefully will stay that way. Good luck and thanks to all contributors. Sharon

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I have Same problem about 10 months I spent a lot of money for nothing the 3 lights ( Check engine , VSC and Track off still on my 2008 sienna le 115k Won’t pass inspection I’m thinking to trade or sell as is

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Did you try the key trick? It worked with my 2005 Sienna the day before inspection so I passed. Turn to full accessory (all the way forward without starting engine), then turn back and take key out. Repeat 10x. Good luck! - Jkav

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I tried the key as you said 10x three times not working it cost me too much money I just put it online for sale Wana go with Mazda 5 min van

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My experince in my 2008 Toyota seinna,Those 3 light came on i think because several reason:- 1-ECU is more sensitive in sienna wiring issues 2-carbon canister 3-Emisson needs be clean by Catlatic cleaner 4-oil pressure 5-gas cap is lose 6-gas tank pressure 7-tune up coils,sparks O2 Sesnor or VVT Selooid..elc....let dealer diagnose first.

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Try replacing the air filter and making sure the hoses are tightly connected to it. Along with replacing the front (2, 4, 6) coils it solved the problem for me, at least for now.

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Tonight I had the same problem with the three lights coming on in my 2010 Sienna. After reading these post, I checked my gas cap. It looks like there is a part missing out of the middle of the gas cap. It will not click any more when I put it on. I will try to include a photo. The middle part of the gas cap looks clean and new, while the rest of the cap looks it's age.

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Sienna 2008 LE. I have the same 3 lights immediately after passing the smog test. The dealer is asking $200 to run the diagnose and will waive if I fix it. OBD reader is showing: P0356 $07E8 Generic Ignition Coil F Primary / Secondary Circuit. Thoughts?

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Had the same 3 warning lights. Our 2008 stalled while idling. We first thought it wss an O2 issue. Replaced warped/air leaking parts around the air filter. One week later same lights, running very rough. Turned out to be front coil.

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Hi, I replaced coil 6 (right front) and it clears the issue.

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Yep. Sienna 2009 LE. 180k miles. Had all three lights on and I would disconnect the battery to fix it. Disconnecting the battery periodically would fixed it for awhile. Finally, I got sick of doing so. I got an OBD scanner which picked up a P0356 code. This code is for the driver's right front ignition coil #6. Toyota had some problems with bad ignition coils from 2005 - 2012 so it's not uncommon. Picked up a DENSO ignition coil for $99 at Advance Auto Parts. Pop it in. Easy 10 minute fix. Wish I had done this fix when the problem first appeared.

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I want to seriously thank everyone on this forum who took time to report on this issue. I'm just a mom of 4 with a 2008 Sienna XLE Swaggerwagon with 257000 miles. When the 3 lights came on, I tried the gas cap fix, and I tried the key reset fix, but when those did not work I went to my local mechanic and directed him to the #4 Ignition coil. He said they would obviously run the diagnostic codes. They replaced ignition coil #4 And the Swaggerwagon is back on the road in a few short hours. Thanks, again.

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I have a 07 sienna. I had about ten codes come up literally a week after we bought about emissions system, and I took it to my dealer because one of the codes said to replace the ecm. They said it was fine, and it wasnt the ecm and cleared it. three days later it came back on and we just ignored it, but two days ago the check engine light came on after we reset it a few days before. But now its none of the codes from before. Now its P0020 Camshaft Position (A) Actuator Circuit (Bank 2). Now it wont reset and I was told that if the ecm is faulty, the check engine light wont go off. We bought a ecm but cant find anything anywhere to tell us where the thing is. I can replace it if I knew where it was. please help!

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SOLVED: FIXED: There is a really cheap easy fix to this. I had low tire presure, abs, brake and check engine lights come on with a speed sensor code. Dealer couldn't figure it out and wanted to charge me $125 hr to call Toyota and run advanced diagnostics.... I found this company that rebuilds ABS computer modules that have known issues.(Toyota wants to sell you the whole abs unit for $2k.) The Sienna is one of them. The module simply unbolts from the ABS block with 4 hex head bolts. Took me 30 minutes and $200 later everything works great. Here is the link, they will even let you return it if it doesn't fix the problem for a 10% restock fee. they also sell on ebay.

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So, this happened to me. I put the computer on it and had misfire codes for all 3 of my front cool packs. I replaced one of the front cam shaft position sensors, and reset the lights. Currently waiting to see if the other sensor in the front needs to be done.

I have a 2006 Toyota Sienna XLE and it has now been in the shop twice for the Check Engine, VSC and Trac Off lights. First, they changed the exhaust and the Cadillac converter. The second time in the shop they fixed some gasket or cylinder. The lights went off after each fix, but a day after I get it back they come back on. I don't want to take it in a 3rd time because it's very inconvenient. I am at a loss.


My sister had a 2008 sienna and the lights came on like you say and VSC INDICATOR came on Toyota Dealer diagnosed it as a bad wire harness repair cost would be $2400. I went looking for a wire harness at a wrecking yard that specialized in Toyota parts they had one coming in but a front end wreckedthe following day I said no thanks , don't one wrecked in front harness might be worse than mine. He had macanic he recommended and he charged $1000. Found it to be the ABS SYSTEM PUMP . TOYOTA DEALERS SUCKS!

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