heater and a/c stopped working. fan doesn't turn on. suggestions?
7 Answers
migration_seacow answered 13 years ago
if all the fuses are good, you prob have a bad blower motor or blower motor resistor. I've had 2 cars (Chevy/Plymouth) that had a problem with the motor or the resistor. I would say its the motor if it doesn't blow air at all. Usually signs of a resistor are that its stuck at one speed.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
My fan does not blow air nor heat but I can feel the heat and air through the car vent. The lights work and everything. What is the problem with my 2010 Toyota Corolla S A/C and Heat?
Where is my a/c fuse located
Where is my a/c fuse located on my 2010 corolla
With your key switch on, heater/ac switch on, slap the fan housing very hard. My fan fired up, working fine for a 600 mile trip to the beach and back. (Had to slap a few extra times.) Next day it started going slower and slower and finally stopped. Since I was on open road the vent pushed enough air through to keep us cool, (don't use "recycle"). Now, getting ready to remove fan see if cleaning armature and brush area will help before buying a new fan, or,does this sound like a electrical part other than the motor?
If your blower or A/c not coming on the problem is in the blower speed fan switch I got one from the dealer for a$150.00 dollars I did the same checked all fuses and relays all good the speed switch has a little control board in it you will see it when you take out your old one that where your problem is in that board it controls your blower speed and A/C.