2008 Mazda with 69,000 miles on it. What year does the timing belt need to be replace.
Asked by cherylbarbieri Jul 09, 2014 at 11:02 AM about the 2008 Mazda MAZDA6 i Touring
Question type: Shopping & Pricing
and maintenance care
3 Answers
Belt? You mean chain, Friend. And according to my owners manual (2004 Mz3, 2.3L,) it should be good for the "life of the engine."
No timing belt. Just a chain. Depending on how you drive and maintain your car you may never have to change it. The chain has guides that wear out over time and when the chain becomes loose then you can change it with the guides. You can check how tight the chain is by dropping the cover from the bottom and pushing on the chain. If you hear noise out of the ordinary from that area then you may need to have the guides and chain looked it. But again, it does not have a mileage recommended replacement time.
Bill_In_Wooster answered 10 years ago
I agree. That is one reason why I traded in my 2002 Mazda Protege5 for the 2007 Mazda 3 Five Door.