Why is my temp guage moving from near Hot to normal so rapidly?
3 Answers
well, you have the hot coolant in the block and it needs to be cooled. So it's then moved from the force of the water pump to trade with coolant that has been cooled in the radiator. It's just trading places and that's what you are seeing most likely, The water pump is a pulley driven device because there is a belt on it. you don't need to worry about a fuse going out on you over that.
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Randy, Thanks for responding and so sson. I see what your saying, but it also goes from normal to near H withing 2-3 seconds. It has never done this before. Its only gone from cold to normal after a few mins if driving since I bought it in 2011. This is definitely something new.
I have a video I could put on youtube and send a link if that helps