What does epc mean and how much does it normally cost to get the problem fix?
3 Answers
The EPC light system warns drivers by sending codes to the dashboard. The codes indicate the system of the car facing a problem, but not a specific problem in the system. It indicates any faults with the traction control, throttle pedal, cruise control-, and throttle body. It can also show malfunctions and defects of the EPC. An additional sensor can be installed to find what specific problem a Volkswagen is facing when the EPC codes are displayed.
i don't have an answer but i just want to know how much it cost to fix the problem.
We recently purchased a 2011 VW CC Lux and had the EPC warning light come on - along with a number of other errors. "Check Engine: Service Now!" "Button for driver assist. systems defective." and "Steering column lock! Visit workshop!" The problem was the Steering Control Module, which cost $730 to diagnose and replace.