19 year old buying a BMW 320i 2006 (ish) - good idea or bad?
So I am a 19 year old who is wanting to buy her first luxury brand car. The BMW
3 series seems like a good option as it is only a 2000cc 4 cylinder car, I travel
20ks each way to work on a daily. I love love the look of this car. I am a little
concerned about maintenance. I know it's expensive, but how expensive? I don't
work in a supermarket or anything, I work a desk job on a salary so I can afford
to fix this car. I just highly prefer not to be draining something like 5 grand down
for a car each year for repairs etc. If I was to buy one I would definitely make an
effort to find one with a full service history, or at least one where it is not
imported in to the country with no records what-so-ever. I would also definitely
get a mechanic (looking for a good BMW mechanic at the moment) to have a
good look through the car and let me know what he thinks of it. I would also
probably get a full maintenance service on it as soon as I get it to avoid as many
repairs as I can. I understand this car is probably not the smartest idea, I get that.
I am not planning on keeping it until it's dead I do want to get a new car every
few years or so (for now anyway). I travel a lot for work, I need something that is
good on gas but I also want something that looks nice. I just want opinions etc.
Would prefer more from people who have had real life experience with the 2006
models and up or the 2005 model as the oldest one. I know the 2005 to 2006
models was were there was a generation change, so I am assuming they would
be very different in terms of reliability etc. Just ideas and thoughts, suggestions. I
think I have my heart set on a European car either way.