disconnect bmw alarm
3 Answers
Are you looking to make it more easy for car thieves to take your car? Yes, why do you want to disconnect it?
It randomly goes off all hours of the night...neighbors are ready to kill me
I was talking with my mechanic friend who works at the BMW dealer and says that this problem has been reported by a number of BMW owners. So, according to him this is how you can solve it: Lift the hood, go to the right of the car (left facing the car) and look for a small box looking part with a protruding knob, this is the alarm sensor. In some BMW model 5 it is located in the area of the water channel on top of the fire wall, just below the windshield. When you find it, you will see that the knob can be pushed in, it is similar to the buttons on the doors that activated the interior lights in cars. He says all you need to do is release the plug attach to it and it will stop working. I hope this is it, that you can find it and allow the neighbors a good night rest.