Change brake line why's car running bad with all kinds of dash lights

Asked by Fruitloop3 Jul 24, 2024 at 07:43 AM about the 2000 Cadillac Eldorado ESC Coupe FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

On my Cadillac changed passenger side brake line change front
brake pads now I'm glad them several times ABS light is on I'm also
gravity bled them not working yet now check engine lights on
traction control lights on and my other one and then running like crap
I'm not understanding I just changed the brakes please help me
please thank you and speedo not working

2 Answers


You need a scan to that has the system for brake bleeding. If you don't have a scan tool then try bleeding it with the key turned on, not running. If you still can't get it work then go to a decent independent shop and they can redo the system. Here too you need a decent scan tool, Inoperative speedometer can be a couple of things, speed sensor at the transmission unhooked or inoperative, speedometer servo motor dead inside the gauge, wiring issues. You will have readable codes.


These systems need to be bled with a machine because of the ABS. Gravity bleeding and pumping the brake pedal won't do it. The ABS light is on because there's still air in the ABS pump and modulator assembly. The traction control light is on because the ABS is disabled and so is the traction control system because the two systems work together. When there's a problem in one system, both are disabled and both lights come on. The check engine light and poor running are a completely different issue. Most likely something got disconnected while you were working on the brakes. So, pull the trouble codes and retrace your steps to find the check engine light problem. Jim

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