Radius/Distance from
I really like your myriad search abilities on your website, for the most part, far beyond any other site in terms of narrowing the search fields - brilliant, particularly how you can dial in an actual model type and other intricacies, within model range, like EX-L selected below.
My only set back in using you site is that I would like to see your radius/distance from criteria expanded beyond 500 miles. Often, I would like to see cars at 600, 750 and 1000 miles (it's a big country) increments, without having to select "nationwide" and have to manually search through those that are too far away. I can't imagine it would be that difficult to add?
The last two cars purchased were found using your site, including my most recent find of a truck in California this past week, and I always recommend you guys to others, mostly for those people seeking a dealer oriented sale.