01 concorde 2.7 leaking coolant
4 Answers
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
Unless it over heated the engine not much except the loss of some coolant, if your referring to to coolant reservoir. Just replenish the coolant and replace the cap.
its leaking straight out the back looks like in between thecrank and engine ,and ive read that could b a decietful area because the hoses have an angle on them ,that if it were a hose it would leak from that are also .when i bleed the system does the car have to b warmed up and also how can i test the thermostat/ thanku
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
Did the car over heat? if it did there a cause of a cooked / bad head gasket. If its just dripping a small amount of coolant rinse,clean dry the area try and see if a hose is leaking? loose clamp.. bad hose..I assume you don't have a pressure tester they can be rented or loaned from discount auto parts stores, with the system cool and under pressure you check easier. Find the leak before you service the thermostat. Find the leak before you bleed the system.