live switch on for a wild
6 Answers
enginecreator answered 7 years ago
I do not know if I understand english after reading your question.
enginecreator answered 7 years ago
Took a minute but think I figured it out, "What happens when ignition switch is left on?" Correct? Yes? No?
enginecreator answered 7 years ago
Your Question: "live switch on for a wild" Should be "Left switch on for a while". Next part: "what'shappend if I live the switch of my toyota t 100 on for a wild?" Should be: "I left my ignition switch on. What has happened? Answer Your battery died or shorted out, you need to jump start it and make sure battery & alternator are tested if problem continues.
enginecreator answered 7 years ago
May need to replace battery and/or the terminal connectors and terminal wires if they shorted out or burned or are frayed, corroded, or bad otherwise. Load test the battery and alternator to confirm they are good, but likely if battery is not old it will charge back up after its jump started by a set of jumper cables and another running car or jump box.