I have a chevy cruze 2012 automatic.. Then i bought a turbo boost gauge..and for the installation i dont know where is the turbo in my car.. Or the hose that i need for the installation of the gauge.
2 Answers
The turbo location is when you open the hood of the car look down you will see it if its a 1.4 ltr. As for a pressure boost guage I would not install it because of sensitivity to other functions. I would however do your maintainence and should last for years with good driving techniques!
If your wanting more boost or tuning more for a racier style of driving have your technition tune for this also these cars have a egr recall once taken care of the car runs really well! GM has been eating the bill on the recalls as well...For power you may need to have the ECM tuned also EGR system Adjusted and Turbo Perimeters set. I wouldn't recommend all this due to high dollars but if you have a thick wallet go for it!