You have a power draw from something. If you have an
aftermarket stereo or other added on accessories I'd
check them first. Check to make sure none of the lights
are staying on after you turn the vehicle off. Interior
lights, underhood light, and rear compartment lights
are prime suspects. If all that checks out, disconnect
the positive battery cable and hook up a 12 volt test
light between the positive battery terminal and the
disconnected battery cable. Because the computers
are always drawing power the test light should glow
dimly. It it glows brightly you have a problem. The begin
removing fuses, one by one until the test light glows
dimly or goes out altogether. That will be the circuit
where the power draw is. From there you can check
individual components on that circuit to determine
which one is the problem. Remember, you want to
remove one fuse, look at your test light, then put it back
in. You don't want to have a bunch of fuses laying on
the ground. Hope that helps! Jim