Driving my Jaguar2009 xkr after excellorating to pass slower car the restricted performance mode came on , what caused that to happen?
6 Answers
Some O2 sensors can act up during that kind of response. It's like it was going to act up anyway, and the accel made it sure, there is some concern with the part or the exhaust result. An OBDII code reader can give the basis for the steps to take. The limited use plan by the processor can be keeping you from wasting fuel, hurting the cat, or polluting
Some vehicles can go into a limited fuel plan for management, then if not attended to, can enter a limited operation, after that they can misfire till they shut down. A quick response to diagnosing can save money and time.
I drove it for about 2 hours in the restricted performance mode. the car seemed to run fine but had very limited acceleration and was gussling gas.When I got home and turned the engine off then restarted it my car ran perfect. Any ideas whats going on and should I bring it in?
The code scan tool can also tell short or long fuel trim data in live data stream or sample events. depends what your tech finds. and the use of electronics, that's like a ford processor, right? jag doesnt have their own? or did they for an 09? that's what I cannot say from here. yes again, the fuel is trippin the sensor, leads to fuel manage, then can also be that injector issue or injector time is askew. without readings I can just hold the envelopes to my temple and say neat stuff.
Web_Master answered 8 years ago
Disconnect the battery and join the pos and neg cables together ,leave for a few time then try again. This trick cures lots of faults on this model Jaguar2009 xkr. Just go to autobody shops to repir your Jaguar. At TechPro Tools you can get automotive tools for Jaguar. Source: http://techprotools.blogspot.com/
I have had the air supply to the supercharger pop loose. Used screw driver to reinstall. This is at the rear center of engine. You may have to reset the check engine light.