price comparison for my listing
It has been 19 days since I listed my car on CarGurus. When I first lowered my
asking price it was shown to be more than $150 below fair value on your price
comparison. Today it was saying $345 ABOVE! WHY has it gotten worse by
over $500 that quickly?!! I feel like you're trying to pressure me to lower my
price, which I have already done significantly, in order to sell more quickly. If
that's the case I'm appalled and offended by your tactics. If not I would like to
know why this happened. This is an EX not an LX. I see other comparable EX's
with higher mileage and lower prices being compared more favorably than
mine. If my comparison goes one dollar worse I will cancel my listing! I ask that
you check into this and return my more favorable comparison. There is no
reason, other than unscrupulous business practices, why you should not. If I
feel I need to cancel my listing due to a worsening of my comparison price, I
WILL lodge a complaint. Please rectify this matter and return my original price