Can a dealer insist you filll out and accept some terms of financing paperwork when you pay cash.
I'm time buyer wanted to buy a car I found on your site. I arrived at 10am. At 3pm. The sales person and the finance manager said they got me good financing and would I like to get out of there. Sign here initial here and 3 minutes later and they push me out the door telling me not to worry no one reads this stuff. And don't tell the finance company my income is from disability tell them I do trailer repair. And you have a room mate to pay half your rent. basically I was going to have to commit fraud just to be raped. With the add on that amounted to money they took . Leaving out $4000 that was added it the loan would cost $10,000 to borrow $13,000. So I paid off the car. I wanted a bill of sale. Jason (who refuses to give me his last name refused) . He said I had to Initial and sign 8 pages of financing paperwork. only the headings were filled out and 2.5 hours of Jason telling me I cant transfer tittle without this contract being signed. All he has to do is scan the documents and edit them and I'll have a loan on my car. He didn't sign the transfer paperwork which was all dated 9/12/2017. It was 9/18/2017. It took me fighting with Jason until 9/22 to get him to state in an email I owned the car. I have all the emails and paperwork and I haven't any doubt he's going to finance my car without my knowledge. When I called the finance company and found out there never was a loan. He signed the transfer paperwork and emailed me a copy of the front of the page. My license is not next to my name. He only gave me one of the keys set up for the alarm. The actual mileage was 89,811 on the 18th. He listed it at 89,162. The miles they bought it with in May. Do you think Jason from BMG will ever give me the title for the car I bought. It's still fraud when you do things like that.... right??? He's not hiding it. I have an enormous paper trail.