Wheel Bearings
I had a 6 year old car with almost 80,000 miles.
2018-- it failed past inspection for wheel bearings and tie rod on the left side,
but otherwise was in great condition. This was the drivers side.
I read that they rarely fail ---the car had no rust- great paint, etc. I had never
had this issue in my life.
Do you think that pot holes could have caused? It had no visible symptoms
and no noise. It had movement so they tell me on the up and down test???
There was absolutely no noise driving at any speed or accelerating. I got
quotes as high as $600. to fix one side and that was not at a dealer. Some
quotes included re- alignment and some did not .
Very sad as the engine ran great and the car was well cared for. Dp you
think this wheel bearing issue was creditable???