Where do I find the relay switch for the cooling fans and how do I bypass it?
Asked by sdmcpheron Jan 28, 2011 at 11:55 AM about the 2004 Dodge Caravan SE FWD
Question type: Car Customization
Both fans quit simultaneously and engine light is on. Had code pulled and printout says the relay is bad. I intend to bypass it and need to know how. If this is a bad idea please tell me why.
3 Answers
Its a bad idea because the alternator is not made to handle that kind of constant stress. Thats why they have it cycle the two fans. These vehicles are known for having bad relay drivers from the computer. It may need a computer. Locate the temp switch - should be around the thermostat housing and disconnect it.The fans should fire up within a few short minutes. I fit does not the computer driver OR some wiring is at fault. Check gounds to the baf system too they are known to corrode. They mount below the readiator somehwere Good Luck
i found the relay on a 2000 dodge caravan under the driver side headlight.
Claudedixon23 answered 7 years ago
I have a 96 dodge caravan and my speed meter isn't working or my gas gauge. Can u tell me wts the problem?