2012 chevyimpala air conditioning only comes on sometimes and the heat as well twice in the last week it started clicking and then it would stop checked fuses already
2 Answers
You could be asking about the A/c and heater blower ? you could have a connector at fault perhaps. If you can get behind the glovebox area, and up from below ? you can find the blower connector. it can be poorly connected even though it was plugged in. if you had a switch issue or mode issue it can affect operation. if yours has a blower resister in the heater box the connector for that is in the same area, you would jump the heater blower and see it works, then work your way back to the switch. The resistor would control speeds on the ground side, the switch would direct the flow of electricity. If you dont find it fast, a real technician can test for you.
An object going down in there from outside, or the defroster vent can interfere with operation of mode doors or blower wheel. Some blower motors can click on their own and need cleaning or replacing.