tranny fluid POURING out
We were hearing a very loud and down right
scary noise when we turned left. It was like
CLUNK!! Or BANG!! And then the van would
pull hard to the right. I thought it was
coming from the front passenger tire area
and my husband (who usually drives) thought
it was coming from the front drivers side
wheel area. He stopped driving instantly and
we worked on it in the alley we had turned
onto. He changed the sway bar links and tie
rods and it seemed ok. But we only got about
10 miles and the van died and even though it
started it died again we got a tow off the
bridge and all the tranny fluid was pouring
out. Now it wont go into gear it grinds badly
and dies out. Theres no tranny fluid in it at
the moment but we really cant afford a new
one so hopefully u will tell us its all somehow
connected and we dont need a new tranny