where can i get upgraded suspension for an armored W221 with airmatic suspension?
6 Answers
Through your Russian Mafia connections-
Any good armored car conversion should already have the suspension upgraded. I would bet the parts are custom fabricated.
we have done dozens of these S500 and never had an issue, the suspension would need calibrated to compensate the additional weight., I have a customer that is riving their very hard and on very bad roads and is tearing it up. I wanted to upgrade them to a heavier suspension. any ideas?
Custom parts dude, once you figure it out you will have an option to sell those Saudi princes. Off roading a S500 is hardly SOP. You could try consulting with Mercedes engineers.
One our our guys talked to MB in Germany and they do make an armored vehicle suspension for this but they will not sell to third parties for obvious reasons. I know their is a company in Sennelager Germany that carried a B6 and B7 level suspension upgrade kit. It was aftermarket. I just don't have their contact information any longer. Hoping someone on your forum could point me in the right direction.