2007 Honda odessey
2 Answers
freon leaked out...and now the thing won't come on...well most likely the fragile evaporator unit took a rock and leaked out...you must have it evacuated, the filter/dryer replaced and it leak checked...yes A/C service...you will NOT be able to duck this~
I would start by looking under your hood, there shoukd be a sticker to tell you what kind of recharge gas to use. Eitger on the hood our your radiator support(where the hood closes inti) Then I would go to a parts store and buy a recharge kit with leak ID in it. Read the directions. Outside temp is important to know how many lbs you need to fill to. Fill according to chart. Run it until the AC dies not work any more then take it into the shop and ask them to use their light or glasses to find the florescent leak Id you put in it. Another possibility is your ambient temp sensor does not work or it is too cold out for the AC to activate the compressor. AC will only work when Temps are above about 40F, this will vary depending on manufacturer