2012 kia rio
Loud noise started front left. It getting
louder and sounds like wheel is coming off.
Any ideas? Thank you
I have neen reading all the questions and am curious as to why oeople mention putting the key in the ignition. The 2012 has push button. I kust spent thousands on new battery and fuel pump because ...
2012 Kia Rio
Maintenance & Repair
Kia rio at 29,000 miles 2012 Accelerates to red line when you start it, accelerates when on the road, accelerates when stopped at a traffic light and sometimes when cornering from an intersection it...
2012 Kia Rio LX
Maintenance & Repair
will a 2006 Toyota camry radiator fit my 2005 kia rio
2005 Kia Rio Cinco
Maintenance & Repair
Loud noise started front left. It getting louder and sounds like wheel is coming off. Any ideas? Thank you
2012 Kia Rio EX
Maintenance & Repair
A 2008 Kia Rio misfired after a fuel up. Replaced the spark plugs, the timing belt, pulley & tensioner. It stalls when under 2000rpm what could be the problem?
2008 Kia Rio
Maintenance & Repair
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