You can reset the Tire Pressure Monitor yourself, check for the instructions in the owner's manual, but just in case they are not there, this is what you have to do. Make sure that all tires have the recommended pressure, read the manual or in the label on the driver's door post.
With your vehicle off, press and release the brake pedal.
Put your key in the ignition and turn the key to the on position (without actually turning your vehicle on), and turn the key back to off after the first chime. Do this twice.
Turn the key to the on position (without turning the vehicle on), and press and release the brake pedal. Return the key to the off position.
Repeat step 2.
Turn the key to the on position (without starting the vehicle). The horn will chirp once, and your dashboard will display a message saying “Train LF Tire.”
Starting with the left front tire, hold your Ford TPMS trigger tool opposite the valve stem and point the tool’s sensor to the inside of the wheel’s room and press the button. After about five seconds, the horn will chirp and your dashboard will tell you to retrain the right front tire. Repeat this step for the other three wheels.
Once the left rear tire has been retrained, your dashboard will display a message saying “Tire Training Complete.” If the training wasn’t successful, the horn will chirp twice. If this happens, simply repeat the training process. The information is from my Ford Shop Service Manual, Revised July 2014. Hope this helps.
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