Covering Wiring Harness in 2001 Dodge Caravan
Hello! I'm hoping I can get a bit of help here. Last winter both my front and rear windshield washer motors stopped working. Took my mechanics 4 1/2 hours to find the problem (I thought i might be the motor, but there are 2, one for the front and one for the rear) Anyway, they said that my wiring harness is deteriorating and that wire was the one affected. Gave me about 6 months until the van stopped running completely.
I run a rabbit rescue and when they showed me the wiring, I could tell it was chewed by the cottontails out where I live (not my rabbits - I care for domestics!) IS there any way that I could put some kind of covering over the harness to protect it this winter? It looks like there was was some kind of cover on it that has been chewed off.
Thanks for any help, and by the way, the 6 months was over 5 months ago and so far the van is running well!