how do you remove starter from 2013 dodge dart ?
4 Answers
May I ask what happened you need to put a starter in a car that new? Reason I ask I can't find a UTube video or anything for it
the car is water damage salvage. apparently the engine seized and former owner burned starter up trying to get the engine to turn over. I believe I have the engine freed up now but need to change starter. thank you for your input.
Disconnect both coolant hoses coming from the thermostat and zip tie the battery cables out of the way and you should be able to reach the top bolt from above on the driver's side. I also disconnected the starter cable so that the cable was long enough to let the starter drop down far enough to disconnect the cable and connector from it. I was able to get the top bolt off with a 15mm wrench.
There is a way to do this with out all the removal on the 14’ sxt... there is a small hand hole on the driver side and you just have to get the socket set on the bolt blindly but I did it last night worked out great and didn’t touch anything other that the starter