Abs and traction control

Asked by Odis Aug 18, 2018 at 10:24 AM about the 2013 Kia Sorento EX

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 2013 kia sorento recently the ABS, traction
control, down hill assist and parking brake light
hase come on. I have a scanner and i have tried to
figure out the problem with no luck. The ABS and
traction control does not work since the lights have
xome on. Can someone please help me out.

26 Answers


i have the same problem on a 2011 sorento. scanners can not find any codes. appears they need a recall

38 people found this helpful.

Same here. 2011 sorento. I don't think it's a real physical problem, though. It is intermittent & doesn't cause any problems.

21 people found this helpful.

i had this same problem 2 years ago, lights stayed on for a week. went to the dealer and all lights went off as i entered the dealer lot. they checked and no codes were found. now 2 years later they are on again. my scanner shows no codes.

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We just had this happen. Replaced breaks switch and that wasn’t the issue. Took it in and had to have the hub assembly replaced. It’s about a $500.00 repair wihblabor without warranty.

21 people found this helpful.

I have the same issue with my 2015 Kia Sorento. This vehicle has been nothing but issues for me! Melissa

22 people found this helpful.

I had the same problem one year ago - abs, traction problem and down hill turn lights on stayed. Find out no code and told was a recall and advised to bring to kia dealer. Brought to Kia and will charge about $250 to check it.

18 people found this helpful.

Same happened to my 2013 sorento. Been searching for a recall

14 people found this helpful.

Same problem with 2011 Sorrento. Any information found?

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put me on this list too. I have a 2012 Kia Sorento I'm looking into speed sensor failures as the reason. I found this: https://youtu.be/97edqFMB2k8 This guy repalces the whole hub, but might just be a bad sensor.

21 people found this helpful.

Here is some info on the speed sensor. http://www.ksmanual.com/rear_wheel_speed_sensor_removal-952.html

9 people found this helpful.

I have a 2013 Kia sorrento and all these light have been on for about 3 weeks maybe less. Has anyone found a recall yet?

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All As far as I know, there isn't a recall. The issue is the ABS speed sensor. Your car will have one for each wheel. From my research typically the driver side rear goes bad. I was able to fix my FWD 2012 Kia Sorento over the weekend, took me about 2 hours to remove both ABS sensors and replace my brakes pads (since I was there already). The part cost $90, I replaced ,my rear brake pads while I as there for an extra $25. Rumor has it, and call your local dealer, dealer cost is $400 - 600 for each sensor depending. You only need to replace the bad one, the dealer will most likely tell you to do it in pairs, so $1000 - 1200 or so. It's not a complicated fix, but requires some level of skill. The repair involves: Removing the wheel, removing the brake caliper, removing the rotor, then removing and replacing the bad ABS sensor. For FWD vehicles you have to replace the entire read bearing hub (aka spindle). For AWD cars, you should be able to replace the sensor only. To determine if the sensor is bad, you should test it's resistance with a meter. This was the spindle I bought and fixed my issue: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0049D54A0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00? ie=UTF8&psc=1 This video has a step by step repair process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97edqFMB2k8&feature=youtu.be You can find more information here: https://www.kia-forums.com/threads/abs-traction-control-decline-assist-light-on- again.185345/ good luck all!

77 people found this helpful.

There was a recall on my 2013. It was a hub sensor. The deal ship said no recall but the 1-800 number said there most certainly was. She gave me a contract to give my dealership. They replaced it for free. That was about 3 years ago. Now I just ran up on a rock and got stuck and all 3 lights r on again.

18 people found this helpful.

2014 Kia Sorento. Issue halfway resolved. Issue#1: There were ABS, ESC, and Tire pressure lights on. Issue#2: Brake lights were not working except the high-mounted one and during testing it went out as well. You have to go manually in scanner settings under Electronic Stability Control section. If the vehicle doesn't have a "check engine" light,no codes will pop-up on your scan tool since check engine light comes on for any concern that causes "emission" problems. Under ESC in scan tool, the code we found was C1209 (Wheel speed sensor rear-RH Open/Short). Long story short, we replaced the harness and the Wheel Hub Sensor after which no ABS/ESC lights were on. The only lights remaining were the tire pressure and the Hill Assist light (which looks like that Traction control light) but it isn't since traction control light has the "OFF" sign along with that sliding car sign. The code C1209 was no longer present so the Wheel Speed Sensor issue was resolved. Mind you that the sensor is in the hub so you have to order the hub itself which comes with the sensor intact. Side story before replacing the Wheel Hub/Speed Sensor: As for Issue#2, the brake switch, lights, fuses all were good. It was really annoying there was no power on the Black/Red wire which supplies power to all the brake lamps. After some research, the source of that wire was found to be at the Joint Connector JF-01 which is supposed to be the 30-pin green connector on the driver side kick panel under the dash. I COULD NOT FIND THIS CONNECTOR ANYWHERE. Somehow, after replacing the wheel speed sensor, the only code popping-up under ESC section (and this code wasn't there at all) was C2130 (Brake lamp relay error). Not much familiar with Kia's but I stumbled upon a forum which mentioned the Hill-Assist Control (HAC) Relay for this issue. I still could not find this relay on this model neither anything named Brake Lamp Relay. All there is in this car is brake switch fuse, and other "fuses". Nothing about the brake lamp relay. The only Kia I could find so far is the Kia Optima with exact location of the HAC Relay. Any help would be much appreciated.

16 people found this helpful.

The posting about a year ago by Guardian was right on target for my 2013 Sorento. I had already replaced the right rear hub assembly 2 years ago due to the ABS/ESC/DBS warning lights coming on simultaneously. The cost at a local shop was $702, including $330 for the hub assembly The lights came back on a few days ago. Using the video link I was able to diagnose and buy the left rear assembly at an auto parts store for $140 and did it myself. Took a few hours but better than paying the shop for something I was able to do. Thanks to Guardian for a great assist!

12 people found this helpful.

I found the same issue on my Kia Sorento 2013 today. What happens if I leave those 3 lights on and not repair it?

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The ABS, ESC, and DBC lights are on on my 2017 Kia Sportage. They came on 2 days ago and went off, started my car today and they were back on but this time they are staying on. Guess I will be calling the dealership tomorrow. Thankfully it is still under warranty.

6 people found this helpful.

@Cheryl I also have a 2017 Sportage and they keep coming on and off intermittently. Do you have an update from the dealership bc I haven’t been able to talk to someone before I bring mine in!

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Same issue happening to me on my 2013 Sorrento. All three lights staying on.

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The video posted by the guardians will help you to solve the issue. Also, make sure to read all the comments on the video. Some of them are helpful.

4 people found this helpful.

I just bought a 2018 Kia Sorento a week ago. The ABS and traction light come on the day after I bought it. Just found out they are going to have to replace the right rear hub assembly. Thank goodness it’s under warranty and the dealership I bought the car from is going to put me in a rental. I hope this is not a sign of things to come with this car. Sounds like there needs to be a recall.

4 people found this helpful.

@Saeed is there a link to the video that your referencing to for guardian that your could post and share? Thanks

3 people found this helpful.

@Brandy https://youtu.be/97edqFMB2k8 Good luck!

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Is all of this covered under Powertrain warranty? My ABS and Traction Lights have been coming on intermittently. Now the brake light comes on with them. Car is running fine. I couldn't get any codes to come up but took to a local shop and they got codes C1604, C1207, C1202, C1205, C1211, C1208. The code C1604 was the one that worried them and they told me to take to the dealership. There is over a 2 week wait to get it in.

5 people found this helpful.

A friend had the same issue with a different type car (Hellcat)...his scanner didnt detect it...took it to the dealer.....$19 sensor and removal of the back wheel to replace. I was told this is also known as a speed sensor?


Hi All, Though this post is dated, I guess it is still relevant as I am going through a similar situation now. I was wondering how Odis addressed this issue in the end. As I had shared this issue through another post in Kia-Forum, I have shared that link over here - https://www.kia-forums.com/threads/kia-sorento-2013-wheel-speed-sensor.353411/#post- 2075441

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