vw cc 2013 will not start
Asked by Guru9MK45Q Jan 22, 2023 at 06:06 AM about the 2013 Volkswagen CC VR6 Executive 4Motion AWD
Question type: General
checked all the fuses 1 at a time and put them back in the same order now the
car starts and then stops after a couple of seconds any ideas thanks
6 Answers
Guru9R9KBS answered 2 years ago
It might be fuel related. Did you scan for the trouble codes yet? Maybe have a mechanic diagnose the vehicle if you can't figure it out.
Starts then stops, sounds like you inadvertently activated the security system, look in the owners manual for the disarm procedure.
2 people found this helpful.
Check fuel pressure first so u can start isolating the problem, If fuel pressure is good, then u can jump to the next step.