sonata 2013, anyone see hesitation when starting out or after slowing and resuming speed at stop


Asked by richerei Sep 29, 2012 at 12:13 PM about the 2013 Hyundai Sonata SE FWD

Question type: General

my 2013 sonata hesitates after resuming after stopping at a stop sign or slowing down.  its intermittent but about half the time.  dealer could not duplicate i was told.

13 Answers


Do you brake with your left foot and use your right foot on the gas pedal? Is so, it is caused by not removing your foot from the brake pedal before stepping on the gas pedal. It is the brake override system.

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yes i do brake with the left foot but i do that always and never had this problem. i also have a 2009 hundai elantra and it does not do that. if that is the problem how do i get around it ie deactivate this override? what is the purpose of this override system

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It was happening to me also. Then I read the person's thread below. Ill see how it goes but since I consciously take my foot off the brake before I accelerate it hasn't happened since. Can't tell you 100% that this is the reason. I think I solved my hesitation problem! The 2011 Sonata is equiped, I believe, with a brake override system. This basically says that you can't accelerate while using the brake at the same time. I drive with both feet, i.e., I generally brake with my left foot! I discovered that, even while driving, if I gently push on the brake peddle while holding the accelerator peddle steady, there will come a point while depressing the brake peddle when the engine will "quit"! It falls to idle rpm, and no amount of pushing the accelerator peddle further down will get it to "move" until I take my foot off th brake. So, while I'm sitting at a stop light and slowly creeping out to see if it's clear to turn left, across traffic, there are apparently times when I reach that point with the brake peddle when the engine will "die". If you drive using your left foot to brake, this may be what is happening with your car.

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i think maybe you have something here and i am going to test this theory. thx for the idea and i will post the results.

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well i think sonataman was right. i have been testing my 2013 sonata by being consous that my left foot is off the brake even if it was only on a little before. it seems to now being performing ok. i even tested it with my foot on the brake and that seemed to override the gas and would not let the engine rev up. i think i have solved my problem. this never happened to me on any other car nor on my 2009 elantra. im guessing they do not have this brake over ride system . thx mr sonata man for the good advice. i have tested for a week or two and i have good results. richerei

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Glad to be of help. My understanding is that they put the brake override system starting in the 2011 Sonata. It was in response to some Toyota's having unintentional acceleration problem which you may have heard news stories about.

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My sory exactly e 2012 AND 2013 Sonata. 2 Dlrs could ot find the problem. Will try and if not corrected will pursue other avenues. Keep tis info going, it may become highly relevant.

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I had this problem and another sonata owner did to and he solved the problem. My solution was the same. We both drive using left foot for brake and right foot for gas. This car has a new braking system that activates a feature that cuts the acceleration if the brake pedal is touched eventhough the brakes have not applied yet. So what is happening as i was coming to a stop my left foot was activating the brake system but i did not actually have the brakes on but it stoped the acceleration but soon as i released the brake it would surge. I hope i explained that correctly. As i become more vigilant of my left foot the problem went away. I had it to the dealer also and they had found no problems. My other 2009 elantra does not have this new systm onth ebraking . I have had no more problems unless i forget and leave my left foot a little on the pedal as i stop for a stop sign or whatever. good luck rich


I have never used my left foot on the brake and yet I get marked hesitation even if my foot is only lightly on the gas. The tachometer drops way down. Problem is getting worse--happening more chronically, and hesitation is longer causing me to lose speed with other cars almost hitting me from behind.

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I have had no further problem after i was aware of the left foot being on the brake as i started to accelerate. Perhaps your system that is in control of that is faulty and should be looked at. I do not remember the name of that system.


I dont brake with left foot but this has been happening on 2011 sonata for over a year. Dealer could not duplicate hard up shifting downshifting or hesitation. Noticed last night, eco boost light never came on once in 20 minute drive in city 0mph-55mph. Alot of hard shifting like before. Like car is gonna cur off and it jerks back into gear. This morning, eco light on and working, car running with no problems same speeds. So, what is the issue with eco boost? Anyone?

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i dont drive with left foot and this same thing is happning to my 2013 sonata... come to a stop and when I release brake pedal with RIGHT foot and touch gas it starts the hesitation. I will be cleaning my throttle body first and see if that fixes it.

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