What could it be??.
Asked by GuruBLBY Apr 10, 2017 at 02:22 PM about the 2000 Dodge Durango SLT 4WD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I was in the highway when the check gauges light
came and and I heard metals grinding so I pulled
over and my car shut off but won't turn on anymore
it does have oil but the oil gauge is below zero and
won't move.when trinying to start it makes a loud
qlicking noise.
6 Answers
I would say you threw a rod.....and need an engine rebuild. It happened to my vehicle as I was driving on the freeway and I will never forget that noise again. Had to tow to my mechanic and he analyzed and confirmed problem
Was the oil pressure zero before the engine died? If so you may have seized the engine.
No it happened after it turns off . Key turns all the way but won't turn the engine and when turning key to start it just makes a loud qlick.
Your engine seized after throwing a rod, most likely answer. It cost me about $1800......just depends on what friendly mechanic you take it to. 4 cylinder cars don't last as long as 6 cylinder cars....and 6 cylinder cars don't last as long as 8 cylinder vehicles, from my past experience.