Transmission and clutch issues
Hi. Again. I asked about my radiator a couple of weeks ago and we ended up
replacing it and since then things have gone downhill. A couple of years ago I
had a refurbished transmission put in with no apparent issues. Seven months
ago I had a brand new clutch put in. Now my poor little truck has started
making some horrific noise and we looked and realized that there was no
transmission fluid and that it had been leaking for who knows how long. There
doesn't seem to be a seal and there a couple of bolts missing but why now?
Also- the new clutch seems to have "seized" - something with the ball
bearings - and I am basically losing my mind. We have had spent so much
money, continue to spend so much money on vehicles that are broken down.
We have zero transportation - I have a friend who will/ has what is necessary to
take a look, I guess I am just trying to find out as much info as I can. If you
can offer any advice or point us in the right direction I would really appreciate.
My spouse continues to rely on strangers for rides to work so that they won't
lose their job but that can only last so long and it's really expensive. Anyway.
Thank you for your time.