I have a '94 Dodge Dakota with about 190,000 miles on it.
The truck is getting up there in miles and actually has a few problems but the most troubling at the moment is this. I drive 75 miles one way to work every day. Needless to say, once I'm close to work the truck is good and warmed up. Well, even though it's warmed up, after driving for a while, if I stop at a stop sign or stop light when I start going again the truck either dies or, if it doesn't die, it barely putters through intersection. Even when it finishes puttering, which only lasts for the span of an intersection, it takes it quite a while to get up-to-speed if you know what I mean. Could a tuneup solve this problem? It's really annoying when you're sitting at a stop light and there are 6 or 7 cars behind you and your vehicle dies or barely moves along.