Ford tempo power locks broken
1 Answer
Pik n pull and u pull it yards are full of those cars if you try online you can search that make model, year, then go see what is left of them. Bring a small battery that is lightweight. you can get any part in the system and wont have to buy the whole door, even if you did, they are like $30. Check your circuit protections in the power distribution and fuse panel, like fuses and circuit breakers. you can substitute one switch for another. watch out for broken wire where the door hinges. Actuators require a large steel rivet. and stuck door latch lever can make actuator come apart in the door. Bring a drill motor and a 1/4" drill. Taking theirs apart will teach you and ease your efforts on your own. If your question is more specific give the tests so far and what you tried. get yourself a small DVOM or test light