2013 Toyota Camry - ABS, Emergency Brake, Traction Lights Come On
Asked by GuruZR27W Nov 23, 2017 at 01:50 PM about the 2013 Toyota Camry LE
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My father's car (2013 Camry) recently has been acting up. While he was
driving he had the ABS, emergency brake, and traction lights pop up on his
dash. He pulled over, restarted the car after about a minute, and they were
gone with no issues. A few days after the same thing happened. There has
also been times where he has started the car and the lights come on and
he is unable to get the car out of park. He needs to restart the car each
time. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated as our local mechanic
isn't sure what the issue could be.
39 Answers
Hey I am having this problem too! Were you able to resolve this?
I just started having this problem as well, 2013 camry LE
thunderdog9 answered 6 years ago
I am having the exact same issues on a 2014 Camry XLE V6. Any help or answers would be appreciated.
this is also my problem on my 2013 camry.
I was one of the comments above, and this problem kept happening more frequently, almost every time I drove actually, couldn’t get the car out of park several times because the lights were on as soon as I turned the car on ...I randomly found something online of someone with a similar issue and they said they topped off their brake fluid and it went away...I checked my brake fluid and it was right in the middle between the minimum and maximum line so I didn’t think that was my issue, but I went ahead and filled it to the maximum line and it’s now been a little over a week and the lights haven’t come on once, I’m not sure if this is the permanent fix or not but I hope it helps everyone
this same issue has happened to my 2013 camry se 3 times. I had the abs sensor replaced and both times it resolved the issue for about 4 to 6 months. this is the break sensor that is defective. Now that it is happening again, I am wondering if its a Toyota issue with the 2013 line. any thoughts?
Exact same issue with the 3 lights,2013 Toyota Camry. What’s the fix
Mine is doing this also. Is there a fix. Brake fluid is full. So that's not my issue
I was one the previous poster about the brake fluid, it was only a temporary fix and could’ve just been a coincidence. Recently it was acting up more than ever before so I took it to a local Toyota dealership and it ended up being the brake switch. The part itself was like $30 but the labor was about $100. Haven’t had a problem since they fixed it.
You may also want to check your brake lights when these 3 lights come on, mine were intermittent, sometimes they would work and sometimes they wouldn’t
So the brake switch. Is that the one under the dash? Inside the car. Looks like an easy replacement if it is. Called a brake light switch or stop light switch.
Yes I’m referring to the one under the dash. Does seem like a pretty easy fix. But not knowing what was wrong I already had it in the shop. Also if anyone is having problems getting their car out of park when these lights are on, there’s a little tab next to your gear shift, if you pop that out and use a screw driver/pen etc. to push down inside there you can get your car out of park. Mine started doing this when the 3 lights became permanently on.
I just starting having the same problem over the last few days with my 2013 Camry LE.
After reading for months to fix the abs brake and traction lights .. this thread seems to have the answer I replaced the brake switch and my car transmission doesn't lock and no lights turn on so far it's been a smooth turn around. I own a 2012 Camry le ... the problem was getting worse and worse with time. The brake switch is located on top of the brake paddle .. I am not a mechanic and i got it off . Just look at the layout of the original brake switch or take a picture. Part # 8434009310
Theshow775 answered 5 years ago
I also was having the same problem with my 2015 camry se it happened 3 times in the last month. I replaced the brake switch today so well see what happens.. or doesnt.. hopefully that's the only problem 71k miles isnt much it shouldn't be giving me fits already
Update...3 months later it did work for me no lights on!!
I’m having the same issue on 2010 camry
2013 Camry SE with 47,000 miles with the same problem. Thank you to all who posted here... is so greatly appreciated.
Theshow775 answered 5 years ago
Update* after changing the brake switch which was super easy! 3 weeks and it's been perfect not been a single issue since.
I have 2016 camry and my ABS, traction and brake light is coming on. Mechanic says to replace bearing which I doubt is the problem. Any advice will be appreciated. The codes that came up was C1333,C1467 and others which urs for sensor.
Four months after replacing the brake light switch and no recurrence of the dash lights coming on. Great resolution, thank you.
Samething I ignored it I put air in the tire it went off and then my brakes went out. I'm going to try the brake switch
I replaced ABS sensor wire both rear. Issue was resolved.
I have a 2013 Toyota Camry with 59k miles on it. It’s the Break Switch Light. Toyota Dealership quoted $602 to replace. If you’re in LA go to Pacific Coast Tires in Santa Monica and Mike is changing mine for $150.
Hi. Toyota Camry hybrid 2010 Abs light and traction lights are on and brake is very hard please give any advice
Break switch is the way to go. Seems to be everyone’s fix
The problem is the stop light switch. After going through 3 switches in about 3 years, I decided to open up the last damaged switch and see what was wrong. It turns out the switch is actually getting overheated and melting up on the inside. This issue looks like it's a fire hazard which Toyota should have recalled. If the switch gets stuck in the ON position before it goes bad, then maybe you are looking at a potential fire hazard if you drive too far.
I have a 2015 Camry LE, 56K miles. I replaced the brake switch (replacement switch purchased at Auto Zone), but it did not stop the ABS, VSC, and Brake lights from displaying. Any other thoughts?
Dears, my Camry GLX 2013 showed warning 3 lights (ABS, Brake and Steering wheel) and AC went off with this. Already happened 4 times in last 3 years and no mechanic could find the problem. The issue resolve every time by itself after 2 to 3 days.
Wow this seems to be a pretty common issue. At first my ABS and traction lights would go off and on. Now when I drive with the air conditioner on it doesn't blow as great, the ABS & traction lights come on and everything in the dash goes dim, and my phone won't charge through the car. Once I turn off the AC, the dashboard is bright and the car runs fine. Did anyone have AC issues as well?
No one even know the real issue, even Toyota service centre failed to find out.
Guru99PD94 answered 4 years ago
I'm having a similar issue with my 2010 Camry SE. The ABS & TCS lights have been coming on intermittently, but on rare occasions, they don't come on after startup. I also noticed dimming lights & once it kept stalling at idle, so I replaced the alternator, but it didn't fix the lights issue. I'll try the brake switch.
Guru99J39D answered 4 years ago
Am facing same issue from last 3 days, suddenly all lights turn on including ABS traction light handbrake light also brake not work properly whenever it happen i have to press brake paddle more forcefully even then 50% of the brakes works that time situation become more dangerous sometime this happen exactly on intersection. Along with all light it start beeping then suddenly everything go normal.
I had this problem in the past and it ended up being my evap sensor hose had fallen off. Now this problem could have many different issues though. I know when I was looking the issue up if those lights come on simultaneously then it’s a warning that the car shouldn’t be driven for whatever reason. Also if it doesn’t come out of park if I’m not mistaken it does that as security so the car doesn’t get damaged. There’s a little window you can pop out and push the button down while you shift out of park if you really needed to drive it though. This window is right near the gear shift; it’s an overide. Also I seen things about fuses being blown also is why this could happen when I was having issues. If there’s no check engine light then could possibly be something simple like a fuse or sensor. In my case my dash was lit up like a Christmas tree until I found out that hose had fallen off. My gear shift also locked up.
Praveenr035 answered 4 years ago
I had similar issue - ABS, Brake and traction control pops up every few days. I went to dealer and it was diagonized as C1426 Stop Light Switch circuit malfunction
Kakaji_club answered 4 years ago
I changed abs modulator, but lights came back after one month. Now cleaned the front sensors, got one damaged fuse 10 amp replaced and hopebfor the best. Thanks Toyota camry hybrid 2013.
I have 2012 camry...read all this...topped brake fluid and replaced brake switch...lights still on...didnt fix