Is there any way to adjust the instrument lights on the dash?…they are very bright while driving in the dark!
6 Answers
Check your owners manual for the operation of the dimmer switch. This switch will dim the dash lights for you.
I have checked the manual, there is no mention of a dimmer switch.All my other cars have always had a switch but just can't find one anywhere on this car.
Check out page 6-4 of your owners manual. There is a thumb wheel to the left of the steering column on the instrument panel that should dim the panel controls and the display screen. Hope this helps
Thanks dandyoun, I am in the UK so it would be on the right of the steering wheel, however the only thumb wheel there is the headlight adjust. Thanks anyway.
That works with the headlights on but not when the headlights are turned off and that is when it is needed. Does anyone have a way to turn the dash lights off when the headlights are off?
Dimmer won't dim dash lights