What is Cod 95 on a chevy spark mean
7 Answers
Where is you come up with this code? There is no listing for this code. Be more specific, all numbers and letters.
My son's spark says CODE 95 on the instrument panel also. A lady ran a light totaling his car and after we replaced the airbags the code is still on. From my understanding it means service airbags.. We are having to have the SRS module reset to the factory settings. The code on the instrument panel doesn't have a P and is only 2 digits which is 95...
When this happened to my 2013 spark it was because the taller than me mechanic pushed the seat back to get in and that unplugged the wire under the drivers seat. I figured it out when he said it was on when he got in but I knew it wasn't on when I got out. Easy fix. Hopes this helps you.
That’s EXACTLY what happened to me!
There are lots of things that can be TRIGGERED when you were in the accident.... some things are "rollover switch", or a "fuel pump cut off switch", and a few more different device safety switches.... I always go through a repaired vehicle and look for switches and breakers that can be reset, after I take that vehicle for a test drive.... not saying that that's what's wrong with your vehicle, and you already have the answer you're looking for, this is just a recommendation to anybody that fixes their own vehicles and are not use to all the different sensors that are used in today's vehicles..... I perfer sensors because the computer tells me where the problems are, and that way I kinda know where to start looking.... the rest is up to me to find out WHY that part went bad, and then I learn how to fix it, IF it's a fixable part..... you gotta love these sparks, the fuel mileage, the computer, if it could fix itself, I wouldn't need to get dirty....!!!!
So what does this code mean on Chevy spark ls...2016....it was involved in a front end collision .
frankuspro1 answered 3 years ago
the code 95 on a chevrolet spark means that if you were in an accident and had to change the airbags and seatbelt, of course the code 95 and other signs will still appear, the airbags and seat belts They are controlled by ABM air bag control module which is a small computer that is located in the middle of the two seats between the driver and the passenger inside the console, the only thing you have to do is take the vehicle to tell him to reset the Module, once they reset it, they will limit all the codes, the airbags and the belts will work as if you were never in an accident, it happened to me and I did.