Weird loss of power (with steering as well), but then started/drove fine after? Whats wrong?
Earlier today, my poor old girl had a major loss of power going about 40 MPH. RPMs
started going wacky first, then the cars power just dropped, dropping speed quickly,
then the horrific part, the steering locked up as well. All "warning signals" flashed (from
battery to seatbelt). The radio died. However, hazards appeared to work (at least
internally they did). I got her onto a side road somehow, turned it off and waited.
After 10 minutes, the car started up fine and drove the rest of the way home (about a 25
minute drive) just fine. No hiccups at all. I chanced taking it to Auto Zone for the
battery/alternator check, and they said all of that was just fine.
Recent car work includes a rebuilt transmission (January), brakes, power steering fluid
change, and oil change, all at the beginning of the month. State inspection was also at
the beginning of the month and she checked out fine.
Can anyone give me any clue what happened? I would rather not have to navigate a
car that doesn't want to even steer across 2 lanes of workday traffic again.