2014 Ford Escape leaking Coolant


Asked by GuruV52SP Sep 23, 2018 at 02:34 PM about the 2014 Ford Escape SE FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My 2014 Ford Escape SE 1.6 AWD is leaking
coolant somewhere around the belt, I can’t find the
leak but can smell it and see antifreeze. Any help?
Could it be the water pump? It’s not over heating.

65 Answers


It’s an on going issue with the 2014 escape. They had a recall out for the coolant system. But didn’t have a permenant fix till January/feb 2018. The fix came to late for us and made it worse. A healthy engine does not use coolant. We kept having it checked it had no visible leaks but was loosing coolant. It’s blowjng it out through the tail pipe through the intake. Bet you have coolant in the cylinders. Pull the spark plugs when it’s cooled off and check and see if you have coolant in there. A pressure test may not necessarily show a blown head gasket if the leak or crack isn’t to bad. But don’t expect ford to help you even though it is a well documented problem that year and model. Good luck.

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I am experiencing this now too. The dealer is claiming it has nothing to do with the recall. They are saying I might have to replace my whole engine. It is a 2014 Ford escape. I am going to fight them on this and say it has to do with the recall but I have a feeling I am not going to get anywhere.

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Me too - 2014 with 85000 miles on it! Today I got an engine light and started researching. I have had to put coolant in 3 times since it has been cold here in MO - probably once per month. Each time, the reservoir still had plenty in in but was low. No visible leaks. Now I'm reading that coolant has been leaking into engine blocks for lots of people and Ford won't fix and is saying it's not part of the recall. There are a lot of upset people with the same issue, I'm considering starting a class action lawsuit.

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I have a 2014 Ford escape having the same issues as everybody else I’m at the dealer today they’re telling me it’s not their problem I believe it’s Ford’s problem to fix this and I would like to fight it also

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I as well have a 2014 Ford Escape and have the exact same issue. It’s been to the dealer 3 - 4 times and I’ve already paid a large some of money to have the issue fixed. It’s really upsetting.

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I have a 2014 in Jan of 2018 Ford replaced our engine because of a cracked head.No charge. But am loosing fluid with the new engine also. They are having us keep a watch on it.

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Same thing happened with me yesterday 88000, overheated two days ago, the dealer said they're trying to get this under the coolant recall but don't guarantee and in that case I have to replace the engine which I won't. I will fight to get this under the recall as it seems a Ford issue. If not I will see someone who would fix this for me rather than those dealers who just want to lock you in to pay the highest amount of money.

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Has anyone found coolant in the cylinder? I had my wife's 14 escape se at the dealer today. They told me there was coolant in cylinder 3 and that it could not be a head gasket issue because they found it in only one cylinder. If it was a head gasket it would be on two or more. They told me the issue is internal -like a crack in the head or block and to get a new engine.

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The recall for certain 2014 Ford Escapes with the 1.6L Sigma motor is all about installing a coolant level standpipe sensor and reprogramming the Instrument Cluster and the PCM so that the cylinder head and/or engine block will NOT crack and puke out hot oil and hot engine coolant all over the engine compartment and catch fire, because people will keep driving these with coolant level too low or overheat and then a catastrophic failure occurs without warning or depowering engine in fail safe mode. If these engines have an internal coolant leak and the engine skips/misfires, then it is NOT related to the recall! You’re basically screwed at that point if you’re out of warranty. Right now the 1.5L engines in the Fusion and Escapes are getting short blocks and updated head gaskets at the moment.

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I have a 2018 Ford Escape and the dealership is rebuilding my engine due to bad engine blocks from the manufacturer and this caused coolant to leak throughout my engine. It is a 2018, just 1 year old exactly almost to the day and $11,000 miles.

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I have a 2017 Ford escape with about 131000 ( I know that's a lot of miles in a few short years but it is correct, 131000) miles on it. It is a fleet vehicle and I have been driving it since day one. Recently it started using antifreeze. I noticed about a week ago once in awhile at startup it would run very rough, the number three cylinder was not firing properly. After startup within 10 to 15 seconds the motor smooths out and all cylinders were working properly once again. I believe this is directly related to my antifreeze issue. I was thinking it was either a spark plug or a coil pack but now I'm starting to think it is the head gasket or head.

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If the high mileage 2017 Ford Escape fleet vehicle you’r Driving has the 1.5L Ecoboost, then it is more than likely the engine block that has an internal leak. Ford engineers have determined the main cause of the internal coolant leak on these motors is the engine block and have eliminated the cylinder heads as the problem due to finding nothing wrong with the heads during tear down inspection. The engine blocks are made of a porous material and overtime it can’t handle anymore hot and cold cycles or hold 21 psi of coolant. During warranty diagnosis, codes might show up as misfire in cylinder 1 or 3, and suspect coolant in cylinder 1 or 3 after pressure testing the cooling system.

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Thanks Guru... I'm thinking you nailed it. We'll see what they find. I just dropped it off at the dealer this afternoon. I now have a 2018 Escape with approx 30k on the clock. We'll see what fleet wants to do with my 17. Jeff B In Maine

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No problem rubrsidedown, just a Ford service Technician from the western New York region giving common information that goes through our dealership, we have about 3-5 2017-2018 Escapes with 1.5L Ecoboost that need short blocks with the same symptoms and same component and causes that are at fault, some on back order.

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2014 Escape with 66,000 miles. It was running rough, getting a low coolant sensor alarm. Took to to the local Ford dealer, cylinder 3 is shot, possible head gasket failure, don’t know about the block. We have an extended warranty so the engine will be replaced but it’s a rebuilt, could develop the same issue. Ford’s recall for the coolant sensor last year seems like a red herring. They seemed to know about the engine issues but tried to avoid consumers finding out about them.

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Take it to the dealership before it's too late. My 2014 escape 1.6L overheated once. I took it and the coolant had leaked into the engine and destroyed it. They replaced the engine under the warranty, but unfortunately for me, I took it to the worst dealership you can find in Lansing. First they told me I had a broken rear shaft which they made me pay for $723. Took the car back on the 4th of July to have an engine light on and a "Transmission System Fault, Service Now" message. Took it back to them and they said someone forgot to put something back when they assembled the engine, test drove it and it's good now. Got the engine light again two days afterwards, towed it to them and they said it had bad catalytic converter and they need to put two more testing hours to see the what's wrong with transmission and they wanted $1,400 for the car converter only and $250 for the testing of transmission. I said now. Took the car for testing at a Mechanic next to where I work and he said something is wrong with the torque converter, someone might haven't assembled accurately because this piece connects the engine to the transmission. I took it back to them and they said it's a broken shaft but they have no way of taking any responsibility although all these issues only occurred after taking the car to them . I paid $2,800 yesterday to replace the flex plate in the torque converter and the cat converter. I still have payments on the car so it's not beneficial to sell that lemon but I definitely will replace it when I have a chance with a Honda or Toyota. Never buying an American car again especially that they only make the smaller cars from crap material.

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There’s been a couple mistakes made in replacing the long block service engine assembly on various models manufactured by Ford and one of those mistakes is forgetting to exchange the alignment dowel pins from the original engine to the new one, and you’ll have symptoms later for grind noise from engine on startup; cracked flex plate, transmission fluid leak; torque converter cocked slightly left or right from engine torque and causing pump seal to hemorrhage fluid out of the aluminum transmission case, and the transmission to engine bolts or bell housing bolts can’t handle torsion or twisting caused by power from the engine, so alignment dowel pins are necessary to prevent or hinder that to prevent damage to major components. In some cases, the crankshaft could be permanently damaged if broken flex plate and inspecting for missing or broken dowel pins is neglected. On the Ford Escapes with optional front wheel drive biased all wheel drive, people will use incorrect methods to separate the driveshaft joint from the PTU flange after removing the bolts and the joint falls apart or gets wound up and starts binding, resulting in severe vibrations on accel.

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We have an early 2015 with 99,000 miles on it that started having issues of missing while driving. We had spark plugs changed. That did not help the problem. They thought it was the turbo sensor. Had that replaced. Seemed to solve the missing while driving, but missed when I started the car. A couple days ago the engine light came on for the first time. Took it into the dealer and they put the dynastic tester on the car. Said it was a spark plug that was bad because we did not have "the Ford Motorcraft ones put in" and/or it could be a coil #3 & #4. $245 later with THEIR spark plugs! Drove it for a couple days. Engine light came on for part of the day and then it went off. Took it back to the Ford dealer. Now we are being told it was the coils for sure! They took out the NEW Mortorcraft spark plugs they put in a couple days ago and they are shot because they are wet with coolant, that the coils are all GOOD, and now are telling us it is a cracked block! So we are looking at a fix that is almost, if not more, than the vehicle is worth. I think someone should find a lawyer and start a class action suit. I think there are a lot more of "US" out that have had the same problem!

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To tell you the truth about certain dealerships in the country Guru1154M, there is a ton of buybacks or branded title vehicles which are also known as reacquired and they come from different dealers that couldn’t fix the original problem the first time and management and techs will sometimes go by the book and follow different pinpoint tests to figure out the suspect problem that are wrong 75% of the time without doing a visual inspection of everything before testing for certain symptoms and will not seek the Technical Assistance Hotline for help. Some dealers will not care and sometimes shrug the customer off with misdiagnosed problems. It’s kinda sad that they didn’t and should have checked the original and aftermarket plugs for fouling out from a slow coolant leak and contamination of the electrodes as well as looking at coolant degas bottle level and pressure testing if needed. This would have prevented you having to necessarily comeback for more repairs and more time wasted.

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Another thing to add is that when Ford engineers were designing these motors like the 1.6L and 1.5L, they theorized that raising the cooling system pressure from 16 psi to 21 psi would increase the boiling point for antifreeze/coolant, and by adding two or three coolant bypass valves, it would make the engine heat up faster for ‘better and cleaner emissions’ on cold starts. Well guess what, somebody just got a huge pay raise (sarcasm) over the porous material based engine blocks cracking on these motors.

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This is why I love the Japanese auto manufacturers. They offer you big and small cars, fuel economy and environment friendly with maximum performance and long life durability. You can even find the smallest car with no options to the most luxurious car and they all have steady performance. I used to trust American cars and that's why I bought this escape and because it has all the options I wanted for a better price. Well, turned out you get what you pay for. I have put on maintenance now more than the difference between this Ford's price and the price of a Honda CRV, which I'm pretty sure wouldn't have had these issues. I have another Honda accord 2004 that doesn't blink. I only had to replace brake pads twice and a starter during the past three and a half years, I even bought the car without taking it to the mechanic back then!! This is called durability!!

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I bought my used 2014 ford escape 1.6L July 2017 and had the recall coolant leak problem done last year at a ford dealership since I am having this low coolant level thing. I have now observed that when using the car heater, the coolant is going low since I started using the heater second week of september. During the past summer months I did not observe a decrease in coolant level, I was using the aircon during that time but not the heater. I am about to make an appointment at the dealership to share this experience and see what they can do.

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Hi! I bought my 2014 Ford Escape 1.6 eco boost summer 2018 with 143000 miles. It start eat coolant after a week, but I didn’t pay attention, just add a little to max level ones in a month. Then after 2 months my check engine light came on, and it was misfire spark plug. Start looking for a problem true dealers, mechanics and web sites. Answers cracked head gasket or block. Way to fix - change engine. One mechanic give me some kind of ginger pils and said to add to coolant tank, must help filling cracks. Also at the same time exhaust system start blow white clouds almost every start until gets burn mix coolant and gas. On red lights or in traffics it starts vibrate a lot and some times engine goes off y itself. So one day I replaced all spark plugs, fill coolant agin and add ginger pill. About engine light it’s come on/off by itself. After couple weeks everything stays normal, no engine light on, no vibration, no engine off by itself, no coolant loose. Everything was good untill cold season. Than i had and still have heating problem, when you heat your car it blow outside temperature air, when your drive it’s blow kind of overheat air. So I decide to leave with this, all winter season and cold days I got warm my body from sit heater. Steam on windshield I killed or with opening a window or with using ac. Today was cold and raining after warm summer days, I turn on heater and it still blow outside temperature air, I turn fan on max and heat on max, after a while coolant level light come on. In the end antifreeze flash underneath my ford, I believe somewhere from heating system, so time to send car probably for big repairs. And in general “coolant system on that kind of engines must go to trash right from ford factory” and it’s must be a recall to fix that issue. Not any excuses from dealers mechanics.

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Same problem here. My 2014 Escape, 65,000 miles, started missing upon start-up and occasionally blowing white smoke out the tail pipe. I kept having mechanics tell me to change the coil pack or the spark plug. These things were done, but the problem persisted. It finally started overheating on me. I took it to the dealership. It was leaking coolant into cylinder 4 and I needed a new engine. My Escape was also part of the coolant recall, but from what I've read, this is considered a different issue and not part of the recall. This is ridiculous....I've read too many stories from too many people having the same problem as mine. I was just outside of warranty and have to buy a new engine.

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What's funny is I'm hearing so many of the same stories I'm going through right now. How is it, with this happening to so many people, after having my car for a week they call and say they are still trying to find where my coolant is going when I fill it up?! Now that they found the problem Ford denied a claim twice not wanting to pay for my new engine. Ugh I'm sorry everyone else is going through this as well. I am so glad I have my extended warranty, even though I feel they should fight to have Ford pay for it too!

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2014 with the 2.5 engine. starting to eat coolant. i guess i should dump it before the block starts to go like veryone else. dosnt sound like anyone had luck with ford on this

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I have a 2014 ford escape. have kept up on all maintenance now at 93k miles told I need a new engine for 6700$!! I still have a good amount to pay on the car and no one can help with this issue? Ford has to know how many of these are needing new engines around 90k miles it is a load of crap there is not a recall.. I'm going to be reporting to BBB and I wish you all would too. If you have already had a new motor put in, if you have receipts you would be reimbursed if they do put a recall out there. Thank you for your time

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I thought I found the right used car for my daughter , 2015 Escape 2.5. As of now the car runs well, but same damm problem i'm seeing all over this page. Once every couple weeks coolant goes low, no signs of leak anywhere, she and I are on top of it making sure it never gets too low, but how long before we see signs of coolant fouling spark? Ive bought plenty of Ford trucks over the years but Im pissed off enough to never buy another Ford product, they're obviously covering this whole leaky block thing up

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2015 Ford Escape 1.6 63,000 miles starting to have p0302 code on startup (cyl 2 misfire) Coolant is going down. Does any one have the name of a dealership that covered this under coolant recall?

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Same issue for my Ford Escape 2014, 1.6L Ecoboost, need to add coolant every 2 weeks. This problem has started in October for me, probably due to starting using the heating in the car? Someone above mentioned this as well. What could the connection between heating and coolant consumption be?

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2014 Ford Escape....worst car EVER!! Same exact story and just got off the phone with Ford dealership after they "fixed" the recall but gave me the news that it requires a NEW ENGINE! service man told me 8 thousand for a new engine... I still owe 10 thousand. I am completely;y screwed. I will NEVER buy a Ford again!!

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Hey GuruPNY98, they sure don’t build cars like they used to, everyone is attempting to cut corners and save money in an attempt to comply with regulations set by the EPA without giving a single damn about the customer/owner. Our dealership has had 6-12 Escapes that needed an engine, most of them covered under warranty at 5000 or 25000 miles. Not a single one of them is out of pocket when the warranty has expired, because people trade them in when the cost of engine replacement exceeds the depreciating value of their Escapes.

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I have a 2014 Ford Escape SE that is also leaking coolant. As mentioned previously, the recall is to replace the coolant reservoir and program the dash to warn of low coolant. This was done to prevent an over heating situation where the block cracks and oil sprays on the engine causing a fire. Also the reason that I now call my vehicle the 'Fire Escape'! Now the next logical questions to ask when the recall was issued was, "Why would the coolant be low? and 'Where is the coolant going?" Both questions I posed to my dealership. Their answer, "We don't know" - WHAT?! Ford has been manufacturing cars since the early nineteen hundreds and you're telling me that you don't know how coolant is escaping from my Escape? Ford knows where the coolant is going, they just don't want to admit it because it would mean an expensive repair / replacement. It would be nice if Ford would stand behind their product and own up to the issue, but that is not going to happen.

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I just took my Ford Escape in because the coolant light was coming on. I was presented with three "fixes." For $450, they could put a plug in but decided not to because drilling for the plug could have put metal shavings into the coolant. I could buy a used engine for $4500, with 72000 miles on it, or I could put in a new engine for $8000. I have over 100,000 miles on this car and have really enjoyed it, but...I got rid of a Saturn Vue with over 200,000 miles on it. I wish they still made Saturns; very few problems with that car and the service was excellent. I don't think my next car will be a Ford.

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I am mortified after reading these reports/responses. My service engine light came on so I took it to the dealership this morning. I was told in all likelihood I would need a new engine if the coolant has leaked i to the cylinder...this car only has 25,000 miles on...waiting for the call from the dealership now with the verdict.

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Glad I found this info but depressed. My Ford Escape 2014, 1.6L Ecoboost only has 52,000 miles but I noticed it started eating antifreeze last summer with A/C & the problem has become worse and more frequent this winter. A sensor isn’t going to fix the problem. Perhaps a Class Action Lawsuit would hold Ford accountable to do the right thing.

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Can you say CLASS ACTION Law Suit against Ford? We have a 2014 Ford Escape with 57,000 miles on it and the coolant just keeps "disapearing". Even when it sits in the garage undriven for a month. The coolant secretly disappears. It's being eaten by the engine. The coolant is leaking into the engine. No leaks on the floor. Nothing on the engine. Just magically diappearing coolant. Turns out this is a KNOWN defect in Ford and they just take people's money vs. doing the right thing. SHAME ON FORD!

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Same thing here with my 2014 Ford Escape Titanium. After taking it back several times to the dealership I got the engine replaced. That was a year ago. Guess what just happened today? Yep, coolant is super low! Ugh! I may have to get a new car at this point!! I'm so close to paying it off!! I hate this car so much at this point. Has anyone traded their car in because of this problem?

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@kris104986: Not a big believer in product warranties but for some reason I did when I bought my 2014 used. The engine died from this issue and was replaced for about $300. The insurance company would only pay for a used engine, not a rebuilt. As soon as the work was completed, I actually sold the vehicle to a Ford dealer, they paid blue book value. Sorry this happened to you, I had a bad feeling it would happen again with the used engine.

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NEED ADVICE!!! Just cannot afford this anymore. Engine gone due to the recall issues and it will cost 8K. I still owe 9K. I have not been able to drive this car for 1.5 yrs...and still being diligent on my monthly car payment. I have no choice but to allow CarMax to repossess my car. I cannot afford this anymore. I am drained financially and not a wealthy person. It will ruin my credit. I have a son that will go to college in 3 more years and my credit will be shot to assist with student loans. Does anyone have advice? I just wish Ford would handle this issue the correct way. I will never buy an American made car again (when I can repair my credit)....so disappointing. Ford, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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GuruPNY98 If you can buy a Japanese car. I got a Honda accord 2004 with 178000 miles and counting. My wife is driving it now and I'm driving the ford escape because my wife drives more than me. My advice is to buy a Honda/Toyota or Subaru in the early 2000s. They're not worth than $1500-$2000 but they are way more durable. This way you'll have some transportation you can rely on at least. I would really like to offer anything on the ford but you can see I've had my issues with it and paid $4000 on top of all that. I will sell it whenever the amount I owe the bank is worth its KBB value (if it has any value left by then). Ford credit service can give you some credit since you own a ford. You can argue with them that you need to raise your credit if they say something like $800. They might raise it to $2000-$3000. Hope this helps.

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Sorry to hear this. Have you discussed this issue with the dealer? You can request that the dealership bring in the area representative for Ford. I had a problem with a Honda once that the dealer was going to soak me for. The Honda area representative agreed with my arguements and I got the repairs done for 90% off. You can always contact a private attorney and see if one can assist you.

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We talked to our dealer and he did NOTHING! We were the ones who contacted FORD. Repair was 7800 Ford paid $4100 we paid the rest. We were told to hold onto the bill, by Ford, in case there were ever a recall, we'd get our money back. All our dealer did was complain about doing the paperwork for thier $4100. AND we had to pay the sales tax on the full $7800. Not to happy but seems like we got a better deal then some on their Escapes. Only good thing is I am getting better mileage then before the new long block. Winter 21-23 now 26-28 in calm cold weather.

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Has there been a class action lawsuit filed? I just had my car sit in a FORD service department for 8 weeks to replace the engine. The service person took one look at my car and said "I smell what's wrong, you won't be able to drive the car home." He knew it was the coolant immediately and said I was most likely going to need a new engine. He said he's dealt with this issue 20+ times and only one person had it covered by their warranty. I asked why there wasn't a recall on the flaw if it was so common and he said they only did recalls for 2014 Ford Escapes made at two factories and mine wasn't one of them, therefore, they were not going to cover any of the repairs. I found that odd. Luckily my warranty covered it but they would only replace the engine with one of their new rebuilds. Took two weeks to get a go ahead from the warranty company, another two weeks for that rebuilt engine to be shipped and then it didn't work. Took another three weeks to finally resolve all issues. I was told by Ford the rental would be covered for the final five weeks but when I returned the car, they decided to only cover 30% of the $2000 charge. We had already paid $600 for the first two weeks of waiting so now we were out a deductible, a Ford service charge, and $1600 in rental fees. I'm livid that I had to use my warranty for a new engine on a 6 year old car for a major manufacturing flaw and Ford is profiting off their flaw. Who's to say they won't continue building vehicles poorly only to profit off them later?

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I suggest reporting this to the NHTSA. They did an investigation on this exact issue with the 2013 model. I just submitted mine and read several other complaints, the majority being the engine coolant. Nhttps://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2014/FORD/ESCAPE/SUV/4x4

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2013 Escape. Coolant leak/odor from day one pretty much. Checked out at ford 3 or more times, no leak found. Now 110,000 miles later water pump is leaking. Hmmmmmm?


Here is my original post from last year. Guess what guys, one year later. Specifically July the 3rd I turn on this lemon car and here it goes again, high engine temperature, turn off the engine!!! I have it parked now, I will two it to the dealership again. This car can't handle anything. With the pandemic and the car being parked for days since March, I technically drove it for six to seven months since I repaired it after paying $2,800 last October. I will never buy a Ford again. In fact, I will never buy American car again, My Honda Accord 2004 has 180,000 miles and drives like a monster. No complains, no issue, one time to the mechanic in 4 years in addition to regular wear and tear. "Take it to the dealership before it's too late. My 2014 escape 1.6L overheated once. I took it and the coolant had leaked into the engine and destroyed it. They replaced the engine under the warranty, but unfortunately for me, I took it to the worst dealership you can find in Lansing. First they told me I had a broken rear shaft which they made me pay for $723. Took the car back on the 4th of July to have an engine light on and a "Transmission System Fault, Service Now" message. Took it back to them and they said someone forgot to put something back when they assembled the engine, test drove it and it's good now. Got the engine light again two days afterwards, towed it to them and they said it had bad catalytic converter and they need to put two more testing hours to see the what's wrong with transmission and they wanted $1,400 for the car converter only and $250 for the testing of transmission. I said now. Took the car for testing at a Mechanic next to where I work and he said something is wrong with the torque converter, someone might haven't assembled accurately because this piece connects the engine to the transmission. I took it back to them and they said it's a broken shaft but they have no way of taking any responsibility although all these issues only occurred after taking the car to them . I paid $2,800 yesterday to replace the flex plate in the torque converter and the cat converter. I still have payments on the car so it's not beneficial to sell that lemon but I definitely will replace it when I have a chance with a Honda or Toyota. Never buying an American car again especially that they only make the smaller cars from crap material."

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I purchased a 2014 Ford Escape SE 2L Ecoboost. Just finished paying it off. Recently, it started overheating while driving and has been losing coolant. I had the car pressure tested and there's no leaks. The car is used on weekends for light trips and sits in a protected garage. Took the car to a Ford dealership with approximately 14,500 miles on the engine where they reported a cracked engine and stated that I needed to replace the engine entirely with a rebuilt Ford engine for over $9,000.00. Needing to replace an engine at under 15,000 miles is ridiculous...clearly the engine is defective. Called their customer care line...no help from either Ford or the dealership. No offer for financial assistance or negotiation. Bottom line...don't buy a Ford Escape. In fact, don't buy a Ford at all. They hide behind their warranties and policies instead of standing behind their products. Look to another manufacturer for your next car. As someone said, SHAME ON FORD for producing such a lousy product.

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My daughter bought a used 2015 Escape in July 2019. All the same issues. Now needs a new engine . New engine $9000. She still owes 5 years on loan. She’s 1,000 miles over warranty. She will now have to surrender the car and file bankruptcy . Horrible experience for her . No help from dealership or Ford. Disgusting people.

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I also have a 2014 Ford Escape did the coolant system recall back in 2018 having trouble with low coolant light I took it in for another recall for door latches only to find out coolant leaking into cylinder 3 need new engine 7600 dollars I called ford and like the rest of a lot of people ford said they would not cover it since not under warranty anymore I will not buy a ford again evidently this is a manufacturing issue i have had my scheduled maintenance done religiously by a ford dealership and your going to tell me its my problem I asked for a supervisor and the guy told me everyone at ford is empowered and that asking for a supervisor would not get me a different answer if you can’t make an engine that gets regular maintenance that can’t last more than 76000 miles I don’t want your product especially if you won’t stand behind it

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The same story with me. 85,000 miles total, the engine was replaced at 45,000, now with coolant in the cylinder again. Ford says, sorry, there was only a 12,000 mile warranty on the second engine. Did they know the second engine was faulty as well? They must have known! Did anyone get any relief from Ford? You can’t fight a corporation, they have all the lawyers. Integrity doesn’t count if you have enough lawyers.

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I have the same problem with my 2014 Ford Escape Titanium. All of a sudden the coolant is leaking. Dealership replaced my engine and its still leaking. I say we all hire an attorney to start a class action suit to sue Ford.

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There was a firm in New Jersey collecting names regarding a potential suit but they haven't proceeded. I doubt there's enough money involved to interest a company but I'd participate if a suit got launched.

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Give the Ford Corp. a call. I found the number on the Ford website. we have an early 2015 that had the coolant in cylinder 3 and Ford paid about half. With labor and the long block it was almost 8,000. With Ford chipping in about 1/2 it made it a little easier to handle the expense. They even called us back a few months later to check in to see if it was running good. They told us to keep the receipt in case Ford ever did a recall we could get back what we paid out of pocket. The dealer we went to said they had changed 3-4 others like ours, but Ford did not pay any amount. EVERYONE needs to call Ford so they know how many are affected. They know there is a problem.

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I'm having the same issues with my 2014 Ford Escape. Since it's been over 100° in DFW for over three weeks I've had to add coolant once daily. Before it was twice a month.



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I bought a 2014 ford escape in late December. It has about 150,000 miles on it. I had to have my transmission replaced about 2 months ago and now they are telling me that I need my engine replaced because coolant was leaking into the engine. I bought this used but is there a way to see if the recall was ever done on this vehicle prior to be buying it? I hate to have to spend so much money to replace the engine.

Same problem with my 2014 Ford Escape. Has 148,000 km. Has been in for repairs since Oct. 4/22. Today is 25th. My repair bill is already in excess of $7000. I cannot afford this, plus the stress that being without a vehicle is causing. My mechanic says he has never encountered a car with so many serious issues. We bought the care used in 2017, and there is no warranty on it.


Hi, everyone. I've been reading on your topic and I can add my two cents on this issue. I own an independant mechanic shop in Quebec City, QC and so far I've seen two Escape with the similar issues. The first customer explained to me it was drinking coolant without ever finding a trace either in its driveway or under the car upon inspection. We diagnosed the car for a couple hours testing all the basics before coming to a conclusion that it was a bad engine block leaking between the cylinder 3 and 4. I had a buddy of mine who is a certified Ford mechanic working at the dealership concurr of what we were thinking. The way they designed the engine, the thickness at the cylinder 3 is way too thin and also the material used is not proper and overtime it will leak. Got a second customer today at the shop and she described the same issue. She filled her coolant reservoir twice but no sign of any leaks. Changing spark plugs and ignition coils won't fix that issue, don't be misleaded. The real test to do or to ask for is for a leakdown test on the engine, that way you will get the definitive answer if your engine is properly sealed and not leaking from the internal. I'm sorry for being so brutally honest, but Ford is probably the worst company to work on the car and also for all the problems that we see over their engine. I would never buy one. Just check their resale value compared to Toyota or Honda after 10 years. Quality comes at a price people. They may seem a good bargain when buying used because you get more equipment or so-called technology but this will bite you back later in your wallet.

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We had the same issue with our 2015 Ford Escape and had to have the long block replaced at 99,000 miles. We called Ford (found a number on their Ford website) they covered 1/2 the cost of our long block. Our Ford dealership had replace several others before ours, but none of them received reimbursement. But they had not contacted Ford either. We had to do all the leg work to get the help, but it was worth it. We also received an email about a class action against Ford for this exact problem. here is what we received: CONSUMER CLASS ACTION FORD ECOBOOST CALL US AT 888.317.0158 WHAT’S THE CASE ABOUT? Our firm, Capstone Law APC, along with co-counsel, is litigating a consolidated class action lawsuit on behalf consumers who purchased or leased 2013-2019 Ford Escape, 2013-2019 Ford Fusion, 2015-2018 Ford Edge, 2017-2019 Lincoln MKC, and 2017-2019 Lincoln MKZ vehicles equipped with Ford's 1.5L, 1.6L, or 2.0L Ecoboost engines manufactured, marketed, and distributed by Ford Motor Company. The lawsuit, entitled Miller, et al. v. Ford Motor Company, is currently pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Case No. 2:20-cv-01796-TLN-CKD. The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that Ford Motor Company: failed to disclose that these vehicles have a defect that causes coolant to leak into the engine’s cylinders, which can cause corrosion, oil dilution and contamination, and engine failure; and failed to disclose these defects create a safety risk, because the lack of coolant created by the leaks causes overheating and can result in the cylinder head cracking, total engine failure, and/or engine fires. We believe that Ford Motor Company's advertising, marketing, and sale of the vehicles described above misled consumers in violation of consumer laws and that consumers who purchased and used these vehicles suffered damages based on the omission of material information relevant to their purchasing decisions and because Ford breached express and implied warranties. If you purchased or leased a Ford or Lincoln vehicle equipped with an Ecoboost engine as described above and would like to learn more about the cases, please call us at 888.317.0158 or send an email to info@FordEcoboostLawsuit.com. Be sure to give your name, telephone number, and the best time to reach you, and an attorney will get back to you soon. Hope everyone calls them! Lori

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I don't have the answer only the same issue! I've put tons of money into this hunk of junk. It's very frustrating especially when it seems to be a problem had by so many folks. Ford needs to step up and compensate all affected. This is why I am buying foreign made vehicles moving forward!

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I've got a 2014 SE and in 3+ years I've had to add less than 1 gallon of Coolant. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Purchased the car from the in-laws in '99 and currently has less than 50K miles. Seems to run good, mileage good, starts up and the "coolant light" has gone on only 2 times. But I've added coolant 3 times and the reservoir has never been more than an 1inch below minimum. Has passed all safety and annual emissions, care is kept up to date and serviced. I hope this is a good sign.


I have 2014 ford escape. I am experiencing cooling problem which time to time spiting anti freezing any body advise what to do please.

1 people found this helpful.

Check underneath the coolant resvoir, also it could be a faulty water pump. There was a recall on them so might be able to see if it is covered under that.

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