Can a 2003 ford crown Vic police intercepter trans fix in a 02 crown Vic
Will a 2003 ford crown Vic police intercepted
transmission fit a 2002 ford crown Vic police
Asked by DwayneHurst Mar 10, 2020 at 09:22 PM about the 2002 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Will a 2003 ford crown Vic police intercepted
transmission fit a 2002 ford crown Vic police
According to, "Starting in the 2003 model year, the vehicle speed sensor is no longer used. Inspect the transmission to insure that the vss teeth are present on the output shaft prior to installing one of these transmissions into an earlier vehicle." Also according to them, the 2002 and 2001 PI trannies are identical, just in case your 03 doesn't work out and you need to look for another one.
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