Prolonged Sun exposure

Asked by Andrew Aug 14, 2014 at 03:02 PM about the 2014 Honda Accord Touring

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

So I want to drive my parents newest
car to school. But they say that I
shouldn't drive it to school because
parking it outside 365 days a year
will age the car faster (fade the paint,
and crack the dashboard) . I take
good care of the car and when I'm
not home they will not take it to the
car wash or vacuum at all. So I heard
that if a car is cleaner it will reflect
more light off and the interior will be
cooler. Is this true? Also I use special
cleaners that protect the front
dashboard plastic, and always keep
the exterior if the vehicle as clean as
possible.  Is the concern of my
parents a valid one???

4 Answers

It's valid. Direct sunlight destroys plastic and tires in a much shorter time than shade or garage. Armour-all will help, but even better is a carpet dash cover, a windshield shade that goes inside, and best of all a canvas car cover On the contrary, a dirty car will be protected better by the fact the dirt, and crap will block or reduce sunlight. Except bird-poop, that eats paint and should be cleaned off asap White cars stay cooler, a proven fact ans always park car with HVAC set on fresh air not re-circulate ....Mom and Dad know more than you may think

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In response to @fordnut Okay but you can't go forever without washing the car. I'm sure a clean car with reflect more light than a dirty car and thereby be cooler. Also during the winter you need to periodically wash the car otherwise the salt will start to corrode the paint... 2/12/do-s-and-don-ts-of-washing- your-car/index.htm And actually this article says it's best not to leave layers of dirt a can grime build up as this can damage the paint. Hey you'd be surprised. Kids know more than their parents think.

Dude, I wasn't suggesting you never wash the car. geez that's silly and I never said that

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sounds like your parents dont want you driving their 2014 accord...should have gotten you an older car then they wouldn't be so worried about its condition. besides not many people keep their cars that long these days.

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