Brake Lights

Asked by Domani_1203 Jan 19, 2017 at 07:58 PM about the 2015 GMC Yukon SLT 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My drive side tail brake light works inconsistently. What I
am reading, it seems that I would need to replace the
whole light. However I have also been told that the other
brake lights are not working. Has anyone else had this

141 Answers


Common problems. More than likely you need to replace the bulb sockets in the back end. You do not have to replace the hole lens assembly.

46 people found this helpful.

I have the same problem brake lights are out on both sides. I was told by the dealer,that the whole assembly has to be replaced at 650.00 per side

30 people found this helpful.

I've had the same issue with my 2015 yukon xl Denali. Easiest and least expensive fix is to remove tail light and ship to get fix for $120 at a ebay seller site that specializes in this particular issue. I know the bad side is you have to stop using your vehicle for 2 to 3 days while you get it repaired, but if you have another vehicle and don't want to spend the ridiculous amount the dealer charges for a new one, then it's worth it.

38 people found this helpful.

the leds are in 1 large circuit inside the light. The circuit cracks so It works intermittently. GM is a big POS company because they wont back these up and they lie about the problem stating that its the first and only theyve seen. They tried to tell me I broke the light because I had to break the housing open to solder the circuit. GM is a spineless company.

82 people found this helpful.

I have the same problem - Ive received the same answer as GuruD4DXF

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i own a 2015 yukon and i had problems with both tailghts , Called GM and was told that they were not having any complaints on taillights and my warranty was out, The dealer quoted 750 per light. I went on line and bought after market for less than 500 for both ,they look better and work

35 people found this helpful.

To Guru5YM49 - can you provide the website or link for the after market lights that you found or an item number or photo? Thanks.

43 people found this helpful.

I have a 2016 GMC Yukon Denali and my brake light is doing the same thing. And the GMC service department said they have had THREE Yukons in with the same problem in the last week or so. WTH? Why is GMC not doing anything??

38 people found this helpful.

This is why right here, poor manufacturing, or designed to fail. Have now replaced both tail lights on my 15 Yukon xl.

32 people found this helpful.

usmsp34 how did you remove lens? Can I solder to fix?

17 people found this helpful.

You absolutely could fix it, however the light assembly does not disassemble and reassemble easily at all due the fact that it appears to plastic melted together.

8 people found this helpful.

Do you have the link for the eBay site? We have already replaced the drivers side, now passenger is out and they want us to purchase another whole assembly.

16 people found this helpful.

I actually found a used one on Amazon for just under$400.

2 people found this helpful.

I also have the same issue but mine will work and after setting in the heat it stops working .and also if I tap on the light it will come on but don’t stay on

13 people found this helpful.

GM is well aware of the problems, I brought mine to dealer 3 times while under warranty. The 1st time they replaced the left, the 2nd time they replaced the right, the 3rd time they said it wasn't happening at the time and there was nothing they could do. The 4th time I brought it, it was out of warranty, that's when they decided it would be $750 each to fix with upgraded part. Checking my invoice from first 2 visits, I noticed that they had replaced the old faulty lights with the same faulty part! Even though they knew it was faulty and had the "new" upgraded parts in stock! They waited for me to fall out of warranty to charge me for the working upgraded part! Currently have a case with GM.

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hi found this guy thru a friend of mine he had repaired a speedometer cluster for him and he had told me to contact him and i did and he repairs a lot of Automotive electronics modules, so i sent him both of my tail lights and he repaired both of them for about $250.00 and they have a lifetime warranty with them. can not go wrong with that. I have had them in the Yukon for about 3 months with no problems, i told him to put his listing on ebay and he has. here is his eBay item number: 253582723111, 2015 2016 2017 2018 GMC Yukon, Yukon XL, Denali Tail Light Lamp Repair Kit i also have his telephone number if anybody wants it. i'm glad i sent them to him. i hope this helps somebody out. DO NOT go to steal dealer and get ripped off.

49 people found this helpful.

sorry also here is his link, just copy this link and put into google search, Lamp-Repair-Kit/253582723111? fits=Model%3AYukon&epid=12018501478&hash=item3b0ab54827:g:eWgAAOSw4J5a4SGZ &vxp=mtr

25 people found this helpful.

Please do not try to remove the lens. It has been sonic welded to the housing. Removing the lens will destroy both the lens and the lamp. GM also has a bounty on the old Yukon used cores are also difficult to find. There are companies that fix these LED lamps at substantial savings over a new part. Try

14 people found this helpful.

We have the same problem with our 2015 Yukon. Out of warranty, dealer wants almost 2K to fix, but it would be with the same faulty parts and may or may not work. They say GMC is aware of the problem. Has anyone contacted GM?

9 people found this helpful.

anyone having this problem should report it to It takes about 5 min. If enough people report the problem it becomes a recall and we get reimbursed for the repair. Which the dealership charges $1,500 to fix when both tail and brake lights stop working.

33 people found this helpful.

How upsetting is to read how many of us have been through the same situation and dealerships are very aware of this occurring- our both tailamps started to go off and on and dealership replaced both and walked out of dealer after a $2k receipt- feel cheated because we have paid plenty of $$$$ for these vehicles to start getting issues 2k miles after out of warranty and now hot days came around and guess what..... my AC blows hot air and only have 42k miles- in all the vehicles I have owned never had AC issues this soon into a car few years old!

18 people found this helpful.

Wow after reading all of these regarding tail lights it’s mighty depressing. My front led light went out and I was quoted 1300.00 to fix it. One LED strip $1300.00. I asked how could this go out when I only have 55,000 miles on it. Their reply was “lights go out”. Ok, well we have a 2011 same model and I have never replaced a light on it, that car has 165,000 miles on it. Seems to me GMC has gone to crap. Sad!

21 people found this helpful.

It’s the front light. And for that the front end need to be removed. Sooooo I’ll let the professionals handle that! But thanks for the info!!


How can you fix it without opening it??? A membership fee to watch YouTube videos...and you don't have to open the light??? That seems sketch-tastic five thousand. My nan's been suckered before - starting with GMC, and now weekend YouTubers can cash in on it?! No thank you.

2 people found this helpful.

Ugh great to see this is an issue. Just got quotes $815 for one rear drivers side tail light. Doing the complain to the person who posted.

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Don't don't don't pay that! smh Still 4 months and counting here, can't complain. PLUS lifetime warranty! I've sent two buddies this way and they loved how cheap and fast it was... Hi! I found this on eBay and thought you might like it! Check it out now! 2015 2016 2017 2018 GMC Yukon, Yukon XL, Denali Tail Light Lamp Repair Kit

10 people found this helpful.

Everyone should be calling the General Motors to complain. Complaining at the dealer level doesn't necessarily make it to the top. Perhaps if they heard enough of us complaining that they might..just a recall.

8 people found this helpful.

Sent ours to They charged about $110.00 per light and had the lights returned to us in less than a week. Both are working perfectly now (fingers crossed)!

6 people found this helpful.

Have the exact same issue with my 2015 GMC Yukon XL Denali, 44K miles. LR assembly not working. Thanks for all of the discussion on this. I posted a complaint on the NHTSA form noted above in an answer. Thanks!

8 people found this helpful.

Same thing here! My dad and husband are working on it.... driver side brake light 2015 Yukon XL. Was hoping it was fuse! Might send it in.. ugh

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her we go guys the video is free till midnight so no one can scam you and tell you they have a repair kit and he is going to install it in your light , this video is copyrighted and it's the same one we introduced to GM technical support in august 2016 and we have the case number and the patent number for any one who is dublecating our work ,see you in court soon .How to fix a GMC Yukon XL Denali Tail Light

13 people found this helpful.

@ spiceymamma, re: "what is NHTSA?" I was referring to what "jengmc" answered with before my post, noted to formally submit a complaint with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. jengmc provided the direct link to the complaint form.

3 people found this helpful.

Rats GuruWGG2K, I was a few hours too late to see your video. My wife's 2015 Denali is having the same brake light issue as everybody else. Is it a soldering issue, or an actual LED strip replacement issue?

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your board is broken you need a piece of copper wire and soldering we have been fixing them since 2016 locally and in ebay in may 2017 3 other people copied our work and now they are telling everyone that they have a repair kit and they advertising that in every web site for there self ,you can check on ebay under redseaa , all the product reviews is ours but ebay insisting in putting them under everyone who want to fix a light ,,, old item number ssPageName=STRK:MESOX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1561.l2649 runing since 2016 , ebay item number (322567628784)

7 people found this helpful.

Who’s video is on you tube for sale? Is it one that could help fix my light? I filed a complaint like others suggested.

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2015 GMC Yukon Dinali LED brake light passenger-side. I was able to repair this myself after viewing the video on YouTube showing you where on the back of the light to remove the plastic inside or in a little piece of wire took me about 20 minutes and cost me about five dollars

17 people found this helpful.

2015 Yukon Dinali brake light repair location photo

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2015 Yukon Dinali brake light repair location phot

6 people found this helpful.

Has anyone else out there followed the you tube video? I looked at his repair site on ebay (red sea).... can't decide which route to go.

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Anyone who does electrical soldering can do this repair. Use the photos above to locate the two places or check the YouTube video

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I bought a soldering iron at Lowe’s for 14 bucks and a roll of soldering wire and The nice people at battery plus store gave me a little electrical soldering flux. I stripped a little old electric cord exposing the stranded copper you see in the photo . So there’s no kit you just solder a little piece of wire to reconnect the circuit because the original connection just came apart

9 people found this helpful.

Hey, I had the same problem with my 2015 Yukon Denali rear passenger taillight. Yes, it is bullshit that GM will not correct this issue, but don't spend all your money buying a new taillight assembly. Find a reputable after market truck company near you with a audio/light technician and he should be able to fix it much cheaper. If you live in Illinois check out Kevin Mitchell at He works out of Truckwurx in St. Charles and fixed mine very quickly with same day turn around. Brake light works great. We still need to keep reporting these issues to GM though to get a change.

5 people found this helpful.

Can I ask how much it cost? thanks! Going to call a few places in my areas that specialize in car audio to see if they can fix it.


Between 75 to 100 depending on what they have to do to it. Show the workers the pictures in this blog.

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if you live near Ft Lauderdale i can repair them in 1 day.

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I cut the whole side out to let you see what is going on. You will only need to cut out the green circle area about the size of a quarter. Solder in 2 jumpers to complete the circuit. After the fix is complete, fill the hole with silicon sealant to keep moisture out.

10 people found this helpful.

I have the same issue with my driver side tail light. 2015 Yukon SLT. I submitted a complaint to the link above. I just left the dealership and they are covering it under the GMPP Warranty I purchased when I bought the vehicle. I bought the warranty from Great price and coverage till 92000 miles. Way less than purchasing through the dealer at the time. I highly recommend them, I also purchased a warranty from them for my 2010 Acadia and when I traded it in, I was credited a good amount for the unused portion of the warranty.

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This photo shows the silicone that seals after the repair

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The last one I did with a Dremel to cut the plastic, and I also use the Dremel to prepare the surface for Solder by scratching the existing shiny metal surface to promote adhesion of the solder.

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So is necessary to open both sides ? Kind of confused sorry, I’m trying to have the better explanation so I can describe that to the person that will fix mine, I have problems with both lights and it’s expensive replace it . Thanks

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yes there are two places that need to be repaired. Remove the plastic in the exact two locations shown in the photo the defect will be obvious. Solder a wire to connect the two pieces of metal that before were only laid together

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Connect these two pieces of metal with a little wire and solder

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Thanks for the info everyone was able to fix mine in 15min with tools and materials I already had. Save me major $$$

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Did you watch a video on you tube to complete it? I have watched a couple... My hubby is a little worried about screwing it up and then needing to purchase a whole new tail light. What vehicle do you have? Thanks! Any suggestions to make it go smoother?

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I have a 2015 GMC Yukon XL. No youtube video just used the pictures posted here to melt the two spots with a soldering iron then soldered the broken bridge points. See pictures from jbaba very helpful. Also don’t about screwing it up pretty hard to completely break the whole housing just melt slowly in those two spots until the metal is exsposed enough to solder.

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we have a 2015 Yukon XL Denali. The light repair was not very difficult although I was first apprehensive too. Get a Dremel tool with a fine drill bit and use it to cut through the plastic in the locations highlighted in my photos, one above and one below. get a little solid copper telephone wire, some electrical solder some electrical solder flux, and the soldering iron. Once you expose the areas that need to be soldered you’ll see shiny silver metal, use the Dremel to scratch the surface a little bit in preparation for the bonding of the Solder and wire. After you complete the Solder plug it in and test it before you install the silicone. install a button of silicone over the hole so that if you need to peel it off and do it again it’s not impossible. if you think you can’t handle it take it to electronics shop with the information you have but don’t be chicken. give it a try I bet you’ll be happy with the results .

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It’s probably the tail lights you probably need to solder both I’ve read of many others that had both lights go out. Please don’t try to drive with no brake lights. Perhaps you can have one of your brake lights test it out electronic shop. If it was me I would do the soldering on one side because it’s easy and cheap and will probably repair your problem.


So, We did it!! Only problem... the middle of the brake light does not work. Taking off more plastic to see if there is another spot to solder... ??

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There’s two spots one at the top and one at the bottom you can see them in the photos that I posted also be careful to Sauter only the plates shown in the photos exact way they are


The satyr can be a little tricky I had to do one twice the satyr didn’t bond permanently it only worked for a few days be careful that you get a good set a bond heat the metal plates with the solder iron thoroughly that was my problem


Please look carefully at the two photos where you can see the actual two metal plates that need to be Soldered only, I think you might’ve soldered more than necessary. No reason to panic, take your time and I’m sure you’ll get it

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The bottom looks like there’s two plates or Saturday one is not

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Reheat all the solder and remove and clean. When you try again use a single piece of wire and only to the two places shown in the photos I have provided. Take a closer look at the detail of the photos. If you have trouble with the wire bend it in an L shape so that you can hold it in place and then after soldering you can clip off the excess you used to hold it in place

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i am sorry i dont think this light could be fixed any more i left the videos for free in youtube for a week but it does not look like anyone learn anything


Here i edited your photo to what it should look like. Green is where your jumper wire should be, black is the channel that should not be touching so clear out any solder that has the two sides touching.

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GuruTWQGD why so negative? Saving people $1200+ For carelessness of others.

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I am so thankful for all the help from both of you! We will reattempt it today. GuruTWQGD: I watched the video you have online currently... did not see the one you had up for one week for free... instead of negative comments maybe just scroll by.... it might get you more business to be nice about it.

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We finished and the other tail light didn't work either after We fixed the driver's side... Soldered just the top portion and now it works. The only issue is ONE bulb on the driver side is not working. We are tired of trying... it will have to work for now. Thanks again for all the positive feedback and pictures. You guys are the best!! Now the test as to how long it last. Caulking it up now.


dear sir we didn't invent the the gmc yukon tail light repair to make money or ask you to buy our repair video collection for 29.99 or to ask you to send it to us for repair we understand that lot of us yukon owner cannot go for a week without our cars .we were only trying to fix our own lights in our cars . we trayed after opening 8 different tail light working and not to figure out how we can fix oures without destroying them because we got tired of going to the dealer and buying a new light that will last only 6 to 8 month ore a used one that would last 3 months . people who copied our videos (copyright protected) and posting photos out of them with instruction are not helping you . first we made it very simple steps but require certain tools . we didn't use our expensive tool in the video we used simple inexpensive but efficient tool that any one can get. by using a cheaper solder than the weller you can not get to the temperature required to bond the soldering materyal to the metal so it will fall so they improvise by scratching the metal 2nd by using different wire than what we recommended you will need a loot more soldering material which will create section of the light that is not working correctly ore at all 3rd by soldering in the wrong place you will destroy the LED lamps which is very sensitive in this light . you also have to use the right soldering material not what is available to you . by using silicone over the weld it will make it very hard to open again if you have any other proplem with the light. we made those videos after nearly 2 years we fix over 1000 lights and we had to learn along the way from mistakes and other issues with the lights our video deal with sectional failure in the upper and lower sections of the lights witch started happening in cars that have been in the road for more than 2 years so i am not trying to be negative but i want you to succeed in fixing your tail light not destroying it with the wrong instruction we average around 400 people every month buying the videos and fixing there light with great success . yes i believe any one with the wright tool and a basic soldering experience can fix this light .

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EVERYONE: fill out this complaint form. It takes 5 minutes. Lets report GMC. This is ridiculous

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I called gmc company today they gave me a case number and set me up with a dealership for a diagnostic check. We will see what that will end up being. GMC number is 18665229559

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I had the same problem. Passengers tail light and brake light. For me...Zabbco's pic helped the most. I didnt drimmel the whole thing just the part circled in green. Be careful, the circuit is just beneath the plastic so go slow. But we put the jumpers just like he showed. At the top only. Works perfect. We will see how long it will last.


Filling out complaint form today with NHTSA because I too have failed tail lights on a 2015 Yukon XL and it is out of warranty. After just spending almost $1,000 to get the air conditioning repaired and having to deal with an eternity of transmission issues I refuse to pay the dealer to repair this too!! Please do complain if you have had any of these issues because these issues need attention. Vehicles that are not even 3 years old should not be such a problem!!

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Yes I had the same problem. I just filled out a complaint with NHTSA. I also had intermittent failed rear brake lights and running lights. 2015 Yukon XL. Dealership first quoted $1,600 to replace both (parts and labor). I suggest that everyone with this issue fill out a complaint, it only takes a few minutes. I spent a lot of time calling GM customer service to get the repairs paid for. 1 (866) 790-5700 / 5600. I finally agreed to pay the dealership $200 to replace both. So now I have a 1 year warranty on poorly manufactured LED lights.

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I have 2015 Yukon XL Denali, regarding the AC, GM sent out a letter to owners extending the warranty on the AC condenser to 60k miles or 5 years, go check it out


There is no need for any jumpers. Look at this photo from the front. You can see the polarity switches sides, and jumping across just shorts the circuit. The repair consists of soldering the thin bridges marked at the arrows.

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So I'm going to attempt this next weekend. As a recap I will need: Copper wire Soldering iron Soldering flux Dremel with fine drill bit (optional) Anything I am missing?

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Well after a couple of hours of analyzing your photos and some trial and error, I got it to work. You guys rock! My recommendation is to remove enough of the plastic until you actually see the broken piece as shown in Jbaba's photo. There will be one at each section and easily seen if you are in the right place and have removed enough plastic. That is what you are fixing. Repair the break with the jumper and it will work!

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Now the only thing I am concerned about is how to seal it up since Guru said not to use Silicone.

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Just use a good lead solder, to re enforce the thin metal. No need to add wire.


Then a stick of hot glue and some black perminant marker

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I created some photo instructions while repairing our 2016 GMC Yukon to help others perform the repair.

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My '15 w/ 38k miles on it just had the right taillight die on me. No way I was paying the $700+ to fix a headlight thru the dealership and didnt want to send out the light and wait a few days from one of these Ebay places. I would have sent it out, but the above fix truly is easy. And of course the dealership told me even though its been a recurring problem, there is nothing GM will do at this point to address the issue. I followed the above pictures & directions. My suggestion as posted was to heat up a knife & cut out the sections. I used a propane torch to heat up a pocket knife. Way easier than a dremmel & yes the board is right below the plastic, so using a dremmel would have been less precise and a good chance of cutting too deep. Once the 2 sections were exposed you can easily see the cracks on the board (i cant believe that GM is putting cheap crap like this in a +$50k vehicle & then expecting us to pay for the faulty part). Shameful. Anyways, it literally took less time for this fix than driving down to the dealership or your mechanic and have him install a new light.

4 people found this helpful.

Jbaba how can I get in touch with you? I have a 2015 Yukon with the left taillight intermittently failing. I will file a complaint as well. Was quoted 800+ at the Williamson Cadillac dealership in Miami. This is such bull#%+!

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@Rikaron i can help. Let me know i just fixed my wife's light. My email is

I just repaired my driver side running and brake lights on my 2015 yukon using all info from this forum it just took about 30 minutes. Thanks for all the information..


I am looking for someone in Washington. I have been calling mine a Gremlin but obviously it is a GM issue that isn't going to get a recall. I have a 2016 Yukon, sometimes both work, sometimes one works, sometimes neither work and they want 2k to fix it.

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2015 yukon, both sides went out, YES GM, there is a problem!

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Guys, I've been repairing these tail lights in the my city both for private customers and for a few of the GMC dealerships. One fixed recently had been previously repaired by someone cutting a hole in the underside of the tail light as described above. Guys, that fix will work for a while, but as it does not fix the underlying cause of the problem, simply soldering across the crack in the metal will fail again. When I was first fixing these, that's what I did. But, within about two months every one came back for re-repair. I've now developed a new repair technique that is holding up fine. First one was done by thew new method over a year ago and is working fine. Understand if you go to a dealership (an most will not admit this is a problem at all) they sell you a unit identical to what was first installed. They do not have an "upgraded" unit available, so eventually your new unit will fail as well. I had one GMC dealership ("Service" manager) tell me that if he used my repair service, he was "stealing from his employer" because the dealership (and GMC) made more money selling a new unit. How's that for "putting the customer first"? The honest dealerships are offering their customers a choice: A new unit at the usual high price, or for their unit to be "reconditioned" at a substantial savings. Customer choice as it should be, and is the ethical and honest was to treat customers. Good luck!

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i'm located in the Bay Area, California. I've been told by Lehmer's GMC here, that they do have an upgraded tail light, but still expensive at $650.00. Does anyone know of someone that repairs tail lights for 2015 Yukon SLT in my area? I've already replace this same tail light once in 2017. It's gone out again :-( Shelly

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I used a pairing knife and heated up the blade on the stove to cut into the plastic instead of a dremel. Makes a clean cut quickly without the chance of causing more damage to the circuit.

I have a 2015 Yukon XL with the tail light out. I am so disappointed with GMC Motors who won't help me with some financial assistance or pay for it because my warranty is up. I won't purchase any more vehicles from GMC Motors or Chevolet near the future. It's not fair that we purchase these expensive Yukons and GMC Motors won't work with devoted customers on some kind of assistance.I will be advising family members and friends not to purchase from GMC Motors or Chevolet. Dearship is charging me 834.00 dollars to repair it.

The tail lamps for my 2015 Yukon Denali are now on national backorder according to the dealer. GM is obviously aware of the problem and choosing to do nothing.


GuruHPY5M - I can rebuild your existing tail light! Call or text to 480 213 7730


Does anyone know of someone that can do this repair in the Las Vegas area?

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Same problem. HORRIBLE customer service WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER DENALI. Thank you for everyone posting on here, will go to youtube and try to clean up GMC's mess. 75k for a lemon, what a joke.


212houses - In the last week I've re-repaired two Yukon tail lights that were previously repaired by the "Youtube" method. Obviously not a reliable and long term fix. Please call me, perhaps I can help you? 480 213 7730


We have a 2015 Yukon XL SLT. Same problem. It looks like there are several times this issue has been reported to the NHTSA. The more of us that report this the more likely it is to get addresses and a real solution to be issued by GMC. Could anyone that hasn't already report this on

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Looking for someone in the California Central Valley, near Fresno, that does this repair. Same problem with a 2016 Yukon Denali.


YES! Please file a complaint... GMC needs to take ownership of this SAFETY problem. Here's the link to file the complaint: https://www-


I got quoted around $800. I sent them to Call them up first. The guy there didn't answer but left a message. Called me back in less than 3 min. Real cool, worked with me and texted me as soon as he got my light, pics and when shipped back. Have recommended two others and they were very happy as well

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How many complaints does GMC have to have?! Geez!!!

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Complaint filed with NHTSA. Dealer told me they can get the brake light to work on my 2015 Yukon XL but not when I try. They quoted me $1200 to replace with the same part number. I'm trying this fix myself. Thanks for the labeled photos everyone. I found the breaks in the metal plates of my taillight. What wire gauge do I use for the jumper wires? What is the metal plate made of? What kind of flux and solder do I need to use? I scuffed the area and swabbed it with dish detergent but my solder won't flow to the metal plate and only coated the jumper wire in my first attempt. I know I'm doing something wrong.

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I just got off the phone with our local GM dealer to tell them of our issue with our driver side brake light working intermittently on our 2016 GMC Yukon XL Denali and he stated that they have now started replacing these lights at no charge to the vehicle owner. We had the vehicle in the shop for a service last month and we had already experienced the same issue with the brake light and when they checked it, it was working fine. Lucky for us that it did not need to be replaced at that time, because it would have been at our expense. So, for those of you that are still having this issue, please contact your local dealership and see what they tell you. It should now be covered. The person at the dealership said it wasn't a "recall", but he said the were extending the warranty on the lights because of this issue. He didn't say what the warranty was extended to, but at least it is covered at no cost. Make sure you contact your local dealership ASAP if you are having issues with your taillights. I hope this is helpful to anyone who is having these issues.

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From what I understand, the warranty has been extended to 72 months, 72K miles, but not for all vehicles. Apparently the service writer at the GMC dealership has to validate your VIN to see if the new extended warranty applies to your vehicle.

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I concur with fsphillips and Guru8LYBM, After digging around NHTSA site, I found the following : November 26, 2019 MANUFACTURER COMMUNICATION NUMBER: N182180270 Components: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, EXTERIOR LIGHTING NHTSA ID Number: 10169653 Manufacturer Communication Number: N182180270 Summary N182180270 - Special Coverage - On some 2015-2016 model year GMC Yukon, Yukon XL, Yukon Denali, and Yukon Denali XL vehicles, stop and tail functions inside the tail lamps may become inoperative. Dealers are to replace tail lamps if they are found to be inoperative. The repairs will be made at no charge to the customer.

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A S - I've looked on the NHTSA web site, could not find this information. Nothing referenced under any of the Yukon variants. Can you re-post the link please, separately from the text, so we can "cut and paste" and try to find it please? Thanks!

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At Guru8LYBM... here is the link to the NHTSA Page. Once there, you have to scroll down, and pick Manufacturer Communications, then click on Exterior Lighting, its the most recent one. : -

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A S - Found it. Thanks very much ! I've printed a copy and will be contacting all the customers I repaired these for, to make sure they still have their invoice so they can get reimbursed by GMC.

I submitted a complaint - Top Class Action Lawsuit.


They issued a recall, I had it fixed last friday. The recall stated that they would start mailing out information to customers starting Dec 12. Call your dealership and tell them recall number "N182180270" and they will fix it free as long as you are under 72K miles. Hope this helps.

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It's actually not a recall. If you pay for a repair, they'll reimburse you. I called GMC to ask how I was supposed to know if a light was out, and of course he didn't have an answer--wanted me to see a dealer. The youtybe video listed above says it's private and I can't access it. Any ideas?

Folks, I received a recall letter from GMC today dated December 2019 regarding the intermittent brake light issue. GMC solution is to have the local dealer remove/replace the defective lights if problem occurred within 6 years (72,000) miles at no cost to the customer. I had the right rear replaced August 2019 and GM split the cost with me. I will seek a reimbursement and through the GMC or the local dealer and have them check verify the current condition of the brake lights. I have a 2016 GMC Yukon and was unaware until a neighbor identified the brake light problem.


I too finally received the letter from GM yesterday (Wednesday 2/5)... one day after I took my 2015 GMC Yukon XL Denali to the Dealer in McLean, VA to get the "Increased Brake Pedal Effort" recall item taken care of, and while there, I showed them the print out of the letter I found online for N182180270 - Special Coverage - Brake Lights... and they said they would take a look at it. They informed me they needed to order the part through GM, since GM was "specially" monitoring the distribution for that part. Funny that I got the letter the next day, not that it mattered. Anyway, the letter does provide details for the process and form to get reimbursed if you paid for repairs for a light before getting the letter. My LR brake light failed at 50K miles. I now have 70K miles on my Yukon... and I did stop driving it as I waited to take it in to get looked at to avoid going over the 72K limit. The part is in, plan to get it installed within the week. Thanks to EVERYONE on this thread for all of the great information, links, details, photos, support as we worked together to get some action out of GM! In case anyone did not have it, I have attached a photo of the Reimbursement Request Form. Thanks again! AL

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Spoke to a dealer in northern VA this morning--they said they had to see the light not working to do a warranty replacement. Since one only knows if lights are intermittently out if someone tells you at a traffic light, or plows into your rear, this whole GM approach is a farce. Maybe a mass mailing to NHTSA would get something more done. I finally did get the youtube video to run. I wonder if that repair is a permanent fix????

GMC has acknowledged the defect; therefore, I would give the dealer the opportunity to help resolve the problem. If your vehicle is out of warranty, I would request they share the cost. The tread of text on this issue shows some were successful with the DIY repair of the LED lights. For non-tool savvy people, I think it can be a tricky endeavor.


So as stated above, GM has finally acknowledged the problem and has issued the following... My driver's side failed in 2018 and I had the ebay fix done. Been waiting for the passenger side to fail ever since. My truck has 80,000 on it so it is past the 72,000 mile limit in the special coverage. I brought receipts to my dealer showing I had the problem since 2018 and well before the 72,000 miles. The regional aftersales manager was contacted and agreed to do it for half the cost, which was $172.45 out of pocket to have both tail lights replaced. I figured it was worth it since the I thought the passenger side alone would cost over $400 if it failed, even at a discount, since the list for the part is about $700 each. Well after I had them replaced today I looked up the part numbers on the receipt and found them to be as cheap as about $130 each (right) (left) They require a core charge so these must be refurbished parts and I guess i didn't get as good as a deal as I thought, but it was still cheaper than paying for the two so not a total loss. If you are past the 6 years/72,000 miles and not able to get GM to offer any coverage at least you can order these direct for far less than the new tail lights.

4 people found this helpful.

New GM OEM replacements are now much cheaper. Part numbers are LEFT 84721530 RIGHT 84721531

Idk if my 2015 suburban ltz is having the same issue? The tail light works when the lights come on at night but the turn signal and brake bulbs don’t come on. I put new bulbs in them and still nothing. Anyone else have this same issue?

There is a guy that will rebuild them on eBay for $79 Denali-XL-SLT-Tail-Light-Lamp-Repair-Service- FAST-Turn-Around-/184436115939? _trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292

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